This HiveMQ extension implements the mqtt-tls profile for ACE (Authorization and Authentication in Constrained Environments) described here.
This extension has the following dependencies:
Clone the three repositories above each into its own directory.
Start the AS server, following the instructions in its own README file
Register a client for the MQTT broker to introspect tokens. Take a note of the client id and client secret
Record them into the file located in src/main/resources, along with the AS server IP address and port
Set up the broker by cloning, building it and extracting the zip folder created under build/zip. For more information see the README file of that repository.
Modify the tag <hiveMQDir> in the pom.xml file of this repository to point to the unzipped folder of the step above.
Run the broker with the extension by running the command mvn clean package -PRunWithHiveMQ