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Collins CLI

Command line interface for interacting with


Checkout the github releases page.

Config file

In order to talk to collins you will need to create a ~/.collins.yml file with the following fields.

username: blake
password: test

NOTE: if you do not have the password saved in ~/.collins.yml, the client will prompt for a password at runtime. But, this will error and fail, if the collins command is being piped from one collins command to next.


All docs can be found in markdown under collins/docs/.


You can easily build this by cloning the repo and running go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/collins. Additionally the most recent tags will have binaries uploaded for most common and some uncommon platforms that you can pull down via curl/wget.

This repos supports building with bazel as well as the default go build command. If you would like to build with bazel which I use for releases now you can look at which is used to generate the build files. However it's not 100% feature complete and running it in this repo without knowing a little about bazel will likely cause some breakage. If you would like to build the world you can run the following which will pull in some git keys that are created with the script and then build the binary.

To get a similar feature set as I have used gox in the past for you can pass the --platforms flag to bazel build. That flag can take anything that is output by bazel query 'kind(platform, @io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:all)' See the following page for more info

$ bazel build //cmd/collins:collins

Setting up collins itself for testing and populating it is beyond the scope of this readme. If you would like to do that but don't know how to get started send me a message.