A prebuilt Java 8 jar is in /build
Run from command line:
$ java -jar build/ziften-kafka-example.jar ec2-54-16-12-14.compute.amazonaws.com:9092 ZIFTEN.DATACOLLECTION_
- First parameter is the Kafka server string: remote_host:9092
- Second paramter is the topic name: ZIFTEN.DATACOLLECTION_
In some installations the topic name could be different. Contact Ziften to find out the exact name.
The Ziften DATACOLLECTION Topic has messages in this format:
<pb type="MessageType" hmac="">BASE64==</pb>
Each type is associated with a protobuf message. The text of the pb element is a base64 encoded protobuf. You can use the type to determine what protobuf message you need to use to decode the message. Some helper utilties were provided.
String xmlMSg=" <pb type="MessageType" hmac="">BASE64aaabbbccccc==</pb>"
AbstractMessage abstractMessage = new ProtobufMessageUtil().decode(xmlMsg);
System.out.printf("\n\nFound protobuf message: %s", abstractMessage.getClass().getSimpleName());
System.out.println("\n\t" + ProtobufToJSON.toJSONObjectModel(abstractMessage));
- Please note that ProtobufTOJSON now actually returns a Map<String,Object>.
A jar containing just the protobuffer messages is at:
- /protocol-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
An example of consuming off a Kafka topic is also provided. Ziften uses Kafka 0.10. The consumer was refactored in Kafka 0.9, so please consult the 0.10 documentaiton if you are not familiar: https://kafka.apache.org/documentation
To build the whole project: mvn installl
This should result in a new shaded jar at target/kafka-example-jar At this point you run it the same way as the provided example jar:
$ java -jar build/ziften-kafka-example.jar ec2-54-161-12-134.compute.amazonaws.com:9092 ZIFTEN.DATACOLLECTION_
The following are currently required changes to be made for remote Kafka connection
vim /opt/ziften/kafka/config/server.properties
Replace the line
Where NEW_IP is an ip (or hostname) that is accessible from both the server and the location the new consumer will run. This is required because Ziften only listens on localhost by default.
Make sure the port is open:
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 9092 -j ACCEPT
Restart the Kafka service:
service ziften restart kafka
Verify Kafka is back up and running. This should list all topics:
/opt/ziften/kafka/binkafka-topics.sh --list --zookeeper localhost:2181