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Configuration-driven summarization of a stream of events into a pluggable kv store.


[michaelrkytch.streamsum "0.1.6"]


streamsum is intended to provide simple, in-process stream processing capability to Java applications. It is designed to be integrated into a Java application without the need for writing adapters or shims in Clojure.

There are three stages of data transformation.

  1. An event object is destructured into a tuple
  2. A tuple is transformed into zero or more tuples. The "predicate" of the tuple is mapped to a cache id.
  3. Cache-mapped tuples are recorded into caches
            +-------+                +---------+                      +-------+
[Event] --> |extract| --[p s o t]--> |transform| --[cacheid s o t]*-> |record |-->[cacheid, key, value, t]
            +-------+                +---------+                      +-------+


Events are arbitrary structures. A destructuring function must be provided to map Event structures into tuples.


Tuples are 4-tuples of the form [predicate subject object time], or [p s o t] for short.


Various types of caches are provided, and may be extended to additional types. Three types of caches are provided by default

  • assoc -- simple kv mapping
  • lastn -- last N values are retained per key
  • count -- each occurrence of a [pred subj obj] is counted, and the most recent time is retained

Cache mapping

Each tuple emitted from the transform stage has a cache key in its first field. In the record stage, these cache-mapped tuples are aggregated into caches based on the value of this key.

Cache store

External storage can be provided by implementing the CacheServer protocol/interface. This protocol has a single getMap function which takes a cache name and returns a mutable java.util.Map. In typical usage, the cache server is an interface between the summarizer and application code which consumes the summarized data from the caches.

The default cache server creates in-memory java.util.HashMap instances for caches.


The system can be configured with a file or programatically. See config.clj for an example configuration file.

Event destructuring

The Extract protocol provides a single extract function which produces a sequence of zero or more 4-tuples from an Object implementing Extract. Tuples are of the form [p s o t], predicate (action), subject, object, time.

To extract an arbitrary type, extend the Extract protocol to that type. By default vectors implement Extract as a pass-through.

A Java client should ensure that any event objects passed to the input queue implement streamsum.protocols.Extract.


Tuple transformations are specified as a sequence of patterns in the syntax of core.match. These map a [p s o t] 4-tuple to zero or more 4-tuples. The first element of each output tuple is treated as a key mapping the tuple to a specific cache. For example,

  [[CREATE_CHAT user thread time]] [[:create-thread-user thread user time]
                                    [:post-user-thread user thread time]]
  [[REPLY_CHAT user thread time]]  [[:post-user-thread user thread time]]
  [[CREATE_DOC user doc time]]     [[:upload-doc-user doc user time]
                                    [:upload-user-doc user doc time]]

  [[ANNOTATE_DOC user doc time]]   [[:annotate-user-doc user doc time]]

Cache mapping

Cache configuration is a map of the form {cache-key [cache-type description]}, cache-key is the name of the cache in keyword form and cache-type is one of the three supported types :associative :lastn :count. For example,

{:create-thread-user [:associative "creator of each top-level chat (a.k.a. thread)"]
   :post-user-thread [:lastn "last N threads to which a user posted"]
   :upload-doc-user [:associative "original uploader of each document"]
   :upload-user-doc [:lastn "last N documents which a user uploaded"]
   :annotate-user-doc [:lastn "last N documents which a user annotated"]


The Metrics protocol allows you to log processing metrics to some external store. If a Metrics instance is provided it will receive callbacks when specific events occur. Typically you will provide a handler that accumulates the callback values in a KV store of some sort.

Output encoding

After a tuple is recorded it is put onto the output queue. This feature can be used to connect the processing pipeline to a logging system for backup purposes. Output tuples have the form [cache-key key value time], where value is the new value associated with key in the cache after it has been updated.

An implementation of the Encode protocol can be provided to transform the output tuples before they are placed on the output queue.

Extending cache types

The set of available cache types can be extended by implementing the TupleCache interface. In addition, each extended cache type is expected to provide a unary factory function, taking the backing Map as an argument and returning a new instance of the cache type. An example is provided in the `examples/streamsum/config.clj" file.

In the configuration map, extended cache factory functions are provided as a map from keyword to factory function, under the key :cache-factory-fns. For instance the example config file has

 :cache-factory-fns { :keycount ->KeyCountCache }

TupleCache instances are expected to always use an externally provided backing Map for key-value storage, and should generally not need to maintain internal state.

where ->KeyCountCache is a unary factory function for the KeyCountCache class.


streamsum is intended to be a self-contained subsystem, not a library. It uses com.stuartsierra.component to manage lifecycle. It spawns threads to do its processing.

Instantiate a new streamsum system passing a path to the config file or a configuration map, an input BlockingQueue and an output BlockingQueue, and a CacheServer instance. Use component/start and component/stop to control the system lifecycle.

(def streamsum 
        (let [config-path "example/streamsum/config.clj"
              in-q (ArrayBlockingQueue. 20)
              out-q (ArrayBlockingQueue. 20)
              cache-server (caches/default-cache-server)
              metrics-component (noop-metrics)]
          (-> (new-streamsum config-path in-q out-q noop-metrics cache-server)

The client application puts events on the input queue and consumes cache update tuples from the output queue. The client app may choose to log the cache update tuples for backup purposes. The tuples must be consumed off the output queue to avoid blocking the processing pipeline. The client app reads the summarized data from the CacheServer's caches.


  • ability to provide Metrics implementation by classname in config file
  • ability to provide an Extractor class by classname. When provided this takes precedence over type extensions of Extract
  • Allow caches to pick up configuration parameters (e.g. size of last-N associative cache)


Copyright © Michael Richards 2015

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


Configuration-driven summarization of event streams







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