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How To Multi Thread

Michael Telford edited this page May 26, 2020 · 4 revisions

If we want to crawl individual URLs and know the URLs ahead of time, then we can crawl in parallel using Ruby's built-in Thread class. For example:


require 'wgit'
require 'wgit/core_ext'

urls = %w[

crawler =
handler = lambda { |doc| puts "#{doc.title} - #{doc.description}" }! do |url| { crawler.crawl url, &handler }

urls.each &:join

Run the script with:

$ ruby main.rb 
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Notice how we create a single handler that gets passed to each thread to handle its crawled url/document. We then call join on the array of threads and wait for them to finish.

We can also employ the use of threads when crawling a site. For example, using the same handler as before:

threads = []

crawler.crawl_site url do |doc|
  threads << { doc }

threads.each &:join

This won't crawl each page in parallel but it will handle each page in parallel, speeding up the overall execution. This is particularly effective when you're doing a lot of processing per page.

This is how the broken_link_finder gem uses Wgit under the hood - each crawled page on a site is passed to a thread which checks that document's links, returning those which are broken. The resulting speed increase on a large site is massive.