I want to try Blazor with a set of tools and patterns and libraries I personally find useful and evaluate it's complexity, usability and performance. Over simpified examples don't give me the answers I am looking for.
- ASP.NET Core 7.0.x
- C# nullable reference types
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FxCopAnalyzers
- StyleCop.Analyzers
for language and formatting-rules- Blazor server-side
- State management => Blazor.State and MediatR
- Formvalidation:
- Fluent Validation
- ValidationError idea from Blazor.Validation
- ValidationSummary idea from Blazor.Validation
- Tests
- OpenGraph TileMaker:
- RSS feedreader as source
- Sorting
- Searching
- Disc and memory caching
- Simple loading indicator
- Data initialisation via parent
- Automatically generated, basic TagCloud
- TODO: paging
- TODO: switch grid-layout
- Miscellaneous Utility Components
- Visibility
- TODO: FeatureFlag
- TODO: Stopwatch
- TODO: Caching
- TODO: DataLoading
- TODO: Logging
- TODO: Html debug border/outline
- CryptoWatch DashBoard:
- TODO: Create websocket source with fake data
- TODO: Consume live websocket stream
- TODO: Update in realtime
- TODO: Use Reactive Extensions (Rx)
- ZURB foundation 6.6.3
- Modified filestructure
- Blazor Feature Folders adapted from Feature Folder Structure in ASP.NET Core
- Removed "Pages" and "Shared"
- Serilog for Logging
- Using as less JavaScript as possible
- JetBrains Annotations
- Custom Guard clauses, customised from Ardalis.GuardClauses
- Feed Syndication
- Azure Pipelines
- Build release
- Run tests
- Status badge
- WebCompiler
- SCSS compilation and minification
- JavaScript transformation and minification
- Dependabot
- Include badge
License: unlicense