Dadly Jokes App is a simple and fun React application that fetches dad jokes from the Dad Jokes API. Users can view random jokes, add their favorite jokes to a list, and manage their favorites by editing or deleting them. The favorites list is saved in the browser's session storage, so it persists as long as the user keeps the browser session open.
Fetch random dad jokes Add custom jokes Save favorite jokes in session storage Edit favorite jokes Delete favorite jokes
Getting Started
- Clone the repository
- Change the current directory to the cloned repository:
- cd dadly-jokes-app
- Install dependencies:
- npm install
- Create a .env file in the root of the project and add your Dad Jokes API key:
- VITE_API_KEY = your_api_key_here
- Start the development server:
- npm run dev
Built With:
- React
- TypeScript
- Axios
- Tailwind CSS