Create a search page where we can search for the artist's name.
All queries will be saved in the database to generate statistics.
To display the records, a REST API must be created which will return the following fields in JSON format:
- Name searched;
- Date and time of the survey in the format 00/00/0000 00:00:00 (DD / MM / YYYY HH: MM: SS)
Desired features:
All information will be obtained through the Deezer public API:
- The names of the songs should appear, separated by album;
- Open the music page by clicking on it;
- Allow sorting by album and ranking;
- Responsive page;
- All searches must be saved in the database;
-> Backend : Java -> Frontend : PostgresSql
To access the database, you need to install Postgresql:
To access the Front end you need to download the repository:
- Import the .zip file into Java.
- Run As -> Java Application.
- Start Postgresql with PgAdmin