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Salesforce Lightning Data table (LWC Version)



To deploy the component see Deploy

This is a generic lighting datatable, which is built in LWC. The customization is done by design attributes.

Main features

  • Show records for both custom and standard objects.
  • Add cols as per the fields that exist in object in JSON format.
  • Pagination as First, Previous, Next and Last buttons.
  • New record creation action
  • Row action like : show detail, edit a record, delete a record
  • Hide/Unhide checkbox column
  • Configurable actions buttons (for developers, see Buttons configuration )
  • Sorting by field (Note: sort will not work on search).
  • Search

Custom Data types (the component extendedDatatable extends lightning:datatable) :

  • picklist
  • lookup
  • long text area
  • formula (image)

Steps to Customization through Design Attribute

Design Attribute

Label Required Type Value Example
Enter Icon Name String provide slds icon name (if you wish to override the default icon of the object) standard:account
Enter Title ✔️ String provide table title LWC Table
Enter Object API Name ✔️ String provide object custom or standard API name Contact
Enter Columns API Name by comma seprated ✔️ String Note : for related field it should be concat with . i.e : Account.Name for contact, Inline Edit not support cross reference Field FirstName,LastName,Email,Phone
Enter Customized Field JSON ( This is Mandatory for Related Field ) String customized Column Label, Record Redirect, Data Type. Note : This is Mandatory for Related Fields i.e : Account.Name for contact See below Customized Field JSON
Enter Related field API Name String Enter related field API name Example AccountId for contact when component is on account layout.
Formula Image Field API Names String Enter formula field API names Note : This is mandatory for formula fields displaying images ["FormulaField__c"]
Hide/Unhide checkbox column Boolean true/false Hide/Unhide Checkbox
Enter WHERE clause String provide aditional filters Example LastName like '%s' AND Account.Name like '%t'
Order by String set the order by clause Example LastName, Account.Name DESC
Enter limit Integer limit the displayed number of records for the list an integer
Show the number of record Boolean append the number of records in the title checked(true) OR not checked(false)
Show the view all / collapse buttons Boolean display buttons to expand/collapse records checked(true) OR not checked(false)
Enable/Disable pagination Boolean enable or disable pagination for the list checked(true) OR not checked(false)
Buttons to display String buttons that we want to display See below Buttons configuration
Enable/Disable search Boolean enable or disable search bar checked(true) OR not checked

Customized Field JSON

label : This key is for override column Name. ( Example : Override Column Label )

type : This key is for the override column Type :

typeAttributes : This key is used for custom columns :

Example : Override Column Label

Single override

{ "AccountId": { "label": "Account Record Id", "type": "Id" } }

AccountId : the api name of the column for which you want to override the label (only use the columns displayed)

Label Override using Custom Label

{ "FirstName": { "label": "{!Label.MyLabelName}", "type": "text" } }

Multiple overrides

    "LastName": { "label": "Surname", "type": "text" },
    "AccountId": { "label": "Account Record Id", "type": "Id" }

When overriding columns you can override different columns for the different uses cases :

Related Field Customized

Here the lookup will not be editable (to have editable lookup field see #lookup-editable-column)

{ "Account.Name": { "label": "Account Name", "type": "text" } }

Picklist column

By default, you don't need to insert JSON for a picklist field, the field is editable by default. However, you might have the following use cases :

make the picklist field non-editable

    {"StageName" : {"type": "text", "editable": false} }

you can also override the label

    {"StageName" : {"label": "Step", "type": "picklist"} }

Lookup editable column

        "label":"Account Name",
            "placeholder": "Choose Account",
            "objectApiName": "Contact",
            "fieldName": "AccountId",
            "label": "Account",
            "value": { "fieldName": "AccountId" },
            "context": { "fieldName": "Id" },
            "variant": "label-hidden",
            "name": "Account",
            "fields": ["Account.Name"],
            "target": "_self"


placeholder : text displayed when the lookup search bar is empty

fieldName and value.fieldName : field API name that links the record to the parent record

fields : what is displayed in the column (here the name of the account)

Add a hyperlink to navigate to the record

Use cases :

  • non-editable lookup redirection to the record page
  • redirection when a field is clicked (ex: a click on the firstname or lastname of a contact redirects to the record page)

The example enables redirection to the account when we click on the account name of a contact (the field Account.Name is included in columns API name in the example).

When used for a lookup the field is not editable (to have an editable lookup field see the section above for editable lookup)

            "label": "Account Name",
            "type": "url",
                        { "fieldName": "Account.Name", "recId": "AccountId" }

Column header with a salesforce object icon

            "label": "Account", 
            "iconName": "standard:account"


Buttons configuration

To configure buttons(variant is the style of a button) see the documentation here : buttons documentation

Single button

[{ "name": "New", "label": "New", "variant": "neutral" }]

Multiple buttons

    { "name": "New", "label": "New", "variant": "neutral" },
    { "name": "DeleteAll", "label": "Delete all", "variant": "destructive" }

Default displayed buttons

The "New" button is displayed by default

Button logic definition (fire an event, call a method in the javascript controller)

You can implement your logic for your new buttons based on button JSON (new, delete-selected...).

  handleButtonAction(event) {
      //call desired javacript method or apex call, or throw an event based on the button key(new, delete-selected...)
      //you have selected rows in this.selectedRows
      const buttonLabel =;
      switch (buttonLabel) {
          case 'New':


Click Button to deploy source in Developer/Sandbox

Deploy to Salesforce

Q & A

Feel free to ask any Question, Suggestion, Issue here

Want to contribute? Great!

Create Pull Request to dev branch with your feature branch. Read Contribution Guidelines


Salesforce Lighitng Data table



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  • JavaScript 53.6%
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