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Qat Computer

GitHub release (latest by date)

Demo tests Python tests QatComputer tests QatCMD tests

Docker Pulls Docker Pulls Full

Qiskit License

The project is aimed to create a Qiskit base docker image to use as base for any quantum application using Qiskit. The image also contains the tool QatComputer who allows you to run a python project directly inside the container as a run as you go.

Full documentation available at QatComputer docs.


This project has 2 purposes :

  • Create a based docker image pre-installed with an updated version of Qiskit. In order to help with integration and deployement of Quantum apps.
  • Create a virtual environment to run and test your own project locally, serverlessly without having to configure anything or to alter your local configuration. AS everything is inside a docker env, you create, run, destroy and retry again with a clean new container again and again.


  • Linux
    apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli


Getting started

The image is available in DockerHub and can be clone with :

docker pull mickahell/qatcomputer
# Full
docker pull mickahell/qatcomputer-full

Most of the usefull commands are available in the Docker Compose file and in the makefile.


if you want to build your own image :

docker build . --build-arg FULL=false --file docker/Dockerfile --tag qatcomputer:latest


Parameters for the tool can be given as docker extra parameters. A configuration file is also available with every parameters :

# log
## 0 : Informational
## 1 : Warning
## 2 : Error --> Always
## 3 : Critical --> Always
loglevel: 0   # Optionnal
debian_packages:   # Optionnal
  - "jq"
python_version: "python3.10"   # Optionnal
compute_path: "simple_python_repository"
filename_to_execute: ""
requirements_file: "requirements.txt"   # Optionnal

In order to start the image and make the internal tool available :

docker run -d --rm --privileged --cgroupns=host \
	--name qatcomputer \
	-v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:rw \
	-v my_conf_folder:/etc/qat-computer/conf \
	-v my_super_project:/etc/qat-computer/compute \

In order to the tool works correctly you need :

  • (Optional) Be in priviledge mode and host network mode
  • (Optional) Link your cgroup
  • (Optional) Link your project conf
  • Link your project to the compute folder inside the image

And run the tool :

docker exec --tty qatcomputer \
	qat-computer compute -conf=conf.yaml