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react-json-view (rjv) is a React component for displaying and editing javascript arrays and JSON objects.


  • onEdit, onAdd and onDelete props allow users to edit the src variable.
  • Object, array, string and function values can be collapsed and expanded.
  • Object and array nodes display length.
  • Object and array nodes support a "Copy to Clipboard" feature.
  • String values can be truncated after a specified length.
  • Arrays can be subgrouped after a specified length.
  • Base-16 Theme Support.
  • When onEdit is enabled:
    • Ctrl/Cmd+Click Edit Mode
    • Ctrl/Cmd+Enter Submit


npm install @microlink/react-json-view --save


import ReactJsonView from '@microlink/react-json-view'

<ReactJsonView src={{
  string: 'this is a test string',
  integer: 42,
  array: [1, 2, 3, 'test', NaN],
  float: 3.14159,
  undefined: undefined,
  object: {
    'first-child': true,
    'second-child': false,
    'last-child': null
  string_number: '1234',
  date: new Date()
}} />


Name Type Default Description
src JSON Object None This property contains your input JSON.
name string JSX.Element or false "root" - Contains the name of your root node. Use null or false for no name.
theme string 'rjv-default' RJV supports base-16 themes. Check out the list of supported themes in the demo. A custom "rjv-default" theme applies by default.
style object {} Style attributes for react-json-view container. Explicit style attributes will override attributes provided by a theme.
iconStyle string 'circle' Style of expand/collapse icons. Accepted values are "circle", "triangle" or "square".
indentWidth integer 4 Set the indent-width for nested objects.
collapsed boolean or integer false When set to true, all nodes will be collapsed by default. Use an integer value to collapse at a particular depth.
collapseStringsAfterLength integer false When an integer value is assigned, strings will be cut off at that length. Collapsed strings are followed by an ellipsis. String content can be expanded and collapsed by clicking on the string value.
shouldCollapse (field)=>{} false Callback function to provide control over what objects and arrays should be collapsed by default. An object is passed to the callback containing name, src, type ("array" or "object") and namespace.
groupArraysAfterLength integer 100 When an integer value is assigned, arrays will be displayed in groups by count of the value. Groups are displayed with bracket notation and can be expanded and collapsed by clicking on the brackets.
enableClipboard boolean or (copy)=>{} true When prop is not false, the user can copy objects and arrays to clipboard by clicking on the clipboard icon. Copy callbacks are supported.
displayObjectSize boolean true When set to true, objects and arrays are labeled with size.
displayDataTypes boolean true When set to true, data type labels prefix values.
onEdit (edit)=>{} false When a callback function is passed in, edit functionality is enabled. The callback is invoked before edits are completed. Returning false from onEdit will prevent the change from being made. see: onEdit docs
onAdd (add)=>{} false When a callback function is passed in, add functionality is enabled. The callback is invoked before additions are completed. Returning false from onAdd will prevent the change from being made. see: onAdd docs
defaultValue string | number | boolean | array | object null Sets the default value to be used when adding an item to JSON.
onDelete (delete)=>{} false When a callback function is passed in, delete functionality is enabled. The callback is invoked before deletions are completed. Returning false from onDelete will prevent the change from being made. see: onDelete docs
onSelect (select)=>{} false When a function is passed in, clicking a value triggers the onSelect method to be called.
sortKeys boolean false Set to true to sort object keys.
quotesOnKeys boolean true Set to false to remove quotes from keys (e.g., "name": vs. name:).
validationMessage string "Validation Error" Custom message for validation failures to onEdit, onAdd, or onDelete callbacks.
displayArrayKey boolean true When set to true, the index of the elements prefix values.


You can pass callback methods to onEdit, onAdd and onDelete props.

Your method will be invoked when a user attempts to update your src object.

The following object will be passed to your method:

    updated_src: src, //new src value
    name: name, //new var name
    namespace: namespace, //list, namespace indicating var location
    new_value: new_value, //new variable value
    existing_value: existing_value, //existing variable value

Returning false from a callback method will prevent the src from being affected.


Builtin theme

You can specify a theme name or object when you instantiate your rjv component.

<ReactJsonView src={my_important_json} theme="monokai" />

The following themes are builtin with the library:

  • 'apathy'
  • 'ashes'
  • 'atelierDune'
  • 'atelierForest'
  • 'atelierHeath'
  • 'atelierLakeside'
  • 'atelierSeaside'
  • 'bespin'
  • 'brewer'
  • 'bright'
  • 'chalk'
  • 'codeschool'
  • 'colors'
  • 'eighties'
  • 'embers'
  • 'flat'
  • 'google'
  • 'grayscale'
  • 'greenscreen'
  • 'harmonic'
  • 'hopscotch'
  • 'isotope'
  • 'marrakesh'
  • 'mocha'
  • 'monokai'
  • 'ocean'
  • 'paraiso'
  • 'pop'
  • 'railscasts'
  • 'shapeshifter'
  • 'solarized'
  • 'summerfruit'
  • 'threezerotwofour'
  • 'tomorrow'
  • 'tube'
  • 'twilight'

Check to see how they look like.

Custom theme

rjv supports any base-16 theme. You can supply your own base-16 theme object.

To better understand custom themes, take a look at my example implementation and the base-16 theme styling guidelines.


react-json-view ©, released under the MIT License.
Authored by Mac Gainor and maintained by Kiko Beats with help from contributors. · GitHub · X @microlinkhq