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Get SdnPublicIPPoolUsageSummary
Returns back the IP addresses associated with the public logical subnet IP pools within the Network Controller environment.
Get-SdnPublicIPPoolUsageSummary -NcUri <Uri> [-NcRestCredential <PSCredential>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-SdnPublicIPPoolUsageSummary -NcUri <Uri> -NcRestCertificate <X509Certificate> [<CommonParameters>]
This function returns back a list of IP addresses that are consumed by the PublicIPAddresses and LoadBalancer resources that are derived from the public IP pools. This helps operators quickly locate which resources are associated with a public IP address, in addition to identify available vs non-available IP addresses.
PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }}
{{ Add example description here }}
Specifies the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the network controller that all Representational State Transfer (REST) clients use to connect to that controller.
Type: Uri
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action against the Network Controller REST API. The default is the current user.
Type: PSCredential
Parameter Sets: RestCredential
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Specifies the client certificate that is used for a secure web request to Network Controller REST API. Enter a variable that contains a certificate or a command or expression that gets the certificate.
Type: X509Certificate
Parameter Sets: RestCertificate
Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.
- Clear-SdnWorkingDirectory
- Convert-SdnEtwTraceToTxt
- Copy-SdnFileFromComputer
- Copy-SdnFileToComputer
- Debug-SdnFabricInfrastructure
- Disable-SdnRasGatewayTracing
- Enable-SdnRasGatewayTracing
- Enable-SdnVipTrace
- Get-SdnApiEndpoint
- Get-SdnAuditLog
- Get-SdnCertificate
- Get-SdnConfigState
- Get-SdnDiagnosticLogFile
- Get-SdnEventLog
- Get-SdnFabricInfrastructureResult
- Get-SdnGateway
- Get-SdnInfrastructureInfo
- Get-SdnInternalLoadBalancer
- Get-SdnLoadBalancerMux
- Get-SdnModuleConfiguration
- Get-SdnMuxCertificate
- Get-SdnMuxDistributedRouterIP
- Get-SdnMuxState
- Get-SdnMuxStatefulVip
- Get-SdnMuxStatelessVip
- Get-SdnMuxStats
- Get-SdnMuxVip
- Get-SdnMuxVipConfig
- Get-SdnNetAdapterEncapOverheadConfig
- Get-SdnNetAdapterRdmaConfig
- Get-SdnNetworkController
- Get-SdnNetworkControllerClusterInfo
- Get-SdnNetworkControllerNode
- Get-SdnNetworkControllerNodeCertificate
- Get-SdnNetworkControllerRestCertificate
- Get-SdnNetworkControllerState
- Get-SdnNetworkInterfaceOutboundPublicIPAddress
- Get-SdnOvsdbAddressMapping
- Get-SdnOvsdbFirewallRule
- Get-SdnOvsdbGlobalTable
- Get-SdnOvsdbPhysicalPort
- Get-SdnOvsdbRouterTable
- Get-SdnOvsdbUcastMacRemoteTable
- Get-SdnProviderAddress
- Get-SdnPublicIPPoolUsageSummary
- Get-SdnResource
- Get-SdnServer
- Get-SdnServerCertificate
- Get-SdnServiceFabricApplicationHealth
- Get-SdnServiceFabricClusterConfig
- Get-SdnServiceFabricClusterHealth
- Get-SdnServiceFabricClusterManifest
- Get-SdnServiceFabricNode
- Get-SdnServiceFabricPartition
- Get-SdnServiceFabricReplica
- Get-SdnServiceFabricService
- Get-SdnSlbStateInformation
- Get-SdnVfpPortGroup
- Get-SdnVfpPortLayer
- Get-SdnVfpPortRule
- Get-SdnVfpPortState
- Get-SdnVfpVmSwitchPort
- Get-SdnVipConfig
- Get-SdnVMNetworkAdapter
- Get-SdnVMNetworkAdapterPortProfile
- Import-SdnCertificate
- Install-SdnDiagnostics
- Invoke-SdnCommand
- Invoke-SdnGetNetView
- Invoke-SdnResourceDump
- Invoke-SdnServiceFabricCommand
- Move-SdnServiceFabricReplica
- New-SdnCertificate
- New-SdnCertificateRotationConfig
- New-SdnExpressBGPHost
- New-SdnMuxCertificate
- New-SdnNetworkControllerNodeCertificate
- New-SdnNetworkControllerRestCertificate
- New-SdnServerCertificate
- Remove-SdnExpressBGPHost
- Repair-SdnDiagnosticsScheduledTask
- Set-SdnCertificateAcl
- Set-SdnNetworkController
- Set-SdnServiceFabricClusterConfig
- Set-SdnVMNetworkAdapterPortProfile
- Show-SdnVfpPortConfig
- Show-SdnVipState
- Start-SdnCertificateRotation
- Start-SdnDataCollection
- Start-SdnEtwTraceCapture
- Start-SdnMuxCertificateRotation
- Start-SdnNetshTrace
- Start-SdnServerCertificateRotation
- Stop-SdnEtwTraceCapture
- Stop-SdnNetshTrace
- Test-SdnCertificateRotationConfig
- Test-SdnExpressBGP
- Test-SdnProviderAddressConnectivity