Multi-Agent Resource Optimization (MARO) platform is an instance of Reinforcement learning as a Service (RaaS) for real-world resource optimization. It can be applied to many important industrial domains, such as container inventory management in logistics, bike repositioning in transportation, virtual machine provisioning in data centers, and asset management in finance. Besides Reinforcement Learning (RL), it also supports other planning/decision mechanisms, such as Operations Research.
Key Components of MARO:
- Simulation toolkit: it provides some predefined scenarios, and the reusable wheels for building new scenarios.
- RL toolkit: it provides a full-stack abstraction for RL, such as agent manager, agent, RL algorithms, learner, actor, and various shapers.
- Distributed toolkit: it provides distributed communication components, interface of user-defined functions for message auto-handling, cluster provision, and job orchestration.
File/folder | Description |
maro |
MARO source code. |
docs |
MARO docs, it is host on readthedocs. |
examples |
Showcase of MARO. |
notebooks |
MARO quick-start notebooks. |
Try MARO playground to have a quick experience.
Install MARO from PyPI
Notes: The CLI commands (including the visualization tool) are not included in pymaro package. To enable these support, you need to install from source.
Mac OS / Linux
pip install pymaro
# Install torch first, if you don't have one. pip install torch===1.6.0 torchvision===0.7.0 -f pip install pymaro
Notes: Install from source if you want to use the CLI commands (including the visualization tool).
- C++ Compiler
- Linux or Mac OS X:
- Windows: Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017
- Linux or Mac OS X:
- C++ Compiler
Enable Virtual Environment
Mac OS / Linux
# If your environment is not clean, create a virtual environment firstly. python -m venv maro_venv source ./maro_venv/bin/activate
# If your environment is not clean, create a virtual environment firstly. python -m venv maro_venv # You may need this for SecurityError in PowerShell. Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted # Activate the virtual environment. .\maro_venv\Scripts\activate
Install MARO
# Git Clone the whole source code. git clone
Mac OS / Linux
# Install MARO from source. bash scripts/; pip install -r ./;
# Install MARO from source. .\scripts\install_maro.bat; pip install -r ./;
Notes: If your package is not found, remember to set your PYTHONPATH
- Mac OS / Linux
- Windows
from maro.simulator import Env
env = Env(scenario="cim", topology="toy.5p_ssddd_l0.0", start_tick=0, durations=100)
metrics, decision_event, is_done = env.step(None)
while not is_done:
metrics, decision_event, is_done = env.step(None)
print(f"environment metrics: {env.metrics}")
# Enable environment dump feature, when initializing the environment instance
env = Env(scenario="cim",
options={"enable-dump-snapshot": "./dump_data"})
# Inspect environment with the dump data
maro inspector dashboard --source_path ./dump_data/YOUR_SNAPSHOT_DUMP_FOLDER
Pull from Docker Hub
# Pull the docker image from docker hub docker pull maro2020/playground # Run playground container. # Redis commander (GUI for redis) -> # Jupyter lab with maro -> docker run -p 40009:40009 -p 40010:40010 maro2020/playground
Build from source
Mac OS / Linux
# Build playground image. bash ./scripts/ # Run playground container. # Redis commander (GUI for redis) -> # Jupyter lab with maro -> docker run -p 40009:40009 -p 40010:40010 maro2020/playground
# Build playground image. .\scripts\build_playground.bat # Run playground container. # Redis commander (GUI for redis) -> # Jupyter lab with maro -> docker run -p 40009:40009 -p 40010:40010 maro2020/playground
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Wenlei Shi, Xinran Wei, Jia Zhang, Xiaoyuan Ni, Arthur Jiang, Jiang Bian, Tie-Yan Liu. "Cooperative Policy Learning with Pre-trained Heterogeneous Observation Representations". AAMAS 2021
Xihan Li, Jia Zhang, Jiang Bian, Yunhai Tong, Tie-Yan Liu. "A Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Framework for Resource Balancing in Complex Logistics Network". AAMAS 2019
MSRA Top-10 Hack-Techs in 2021
Open Source Platform MARO: Anywhere Door for Resource Optimization
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MIT License.