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Generate release notes in pipeline
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nohwnd committed Sep 25, 2020
1 parent 2418d9e commit 2e615ad
Showing 1 changed file with 119 additions and 0 deletions.
119 changes: 119 additions & 0 deletions scripts/write-release-notes.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
[string] $Path = ".",
# if this is a pre-release or stable version
[switch] $Stable,
# externally provide the version number we will use
[string] $PackageVersion,
# in CI we don't know the end tag, so we diff till the current commit
[switch] $EndWithLatestCommit

if ($EndWithLatestCommit -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($PackageVersion)) {
throw "EndWithLatestCommit was enabled, provide PackageVersion in this format 16.8.0-preview-20200924-01, or this format 16.8.0."

$repoUrl = $(if ((git -C $Path remote -v) -match "upstream") {
git -C $Path remote get-url --push upstream
else {
git -C $Path remote get-url --push origin
})-replace "\.git$"

# list all tags on this branch ordered by creator date to get the latest, stable or pre-release tag.
# For stable release we choose only tags without any dash, for pre-release we choose all tags.
$tags = git -C $Path tag -l --sort=creatordate | Where-Object { $_ -match "v\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*" -and (-not $Stable -or $_ -notlike '*-*') }

if ($EndWithLatestCommit) {
# in CI we don't have the tag yet, so we show changes between the most recent tag, and this commit
# we figure out the tag from the package version that is set by vsts-prebuild
$start = $tags | Select-Object -Last 1
$end = git -C $Path rev-parse HEAD
$tag = "v$PackageVersion"
else {
# normally we show changes between the latest two tags
$start, $end = $tags | Select-Object -Last 2
$tag = $end

# # override the tags to use if you need
# $start = "v16.8.0-preview-20200812-03"
# $end = $tag = "v16.8.0-preview-20200921-01"

Write-Host "Generating release notes for $start..$end$(if ($EndWithLatestCommit) { " (expected tag: $tag)" })"

$sourceBranch = $branch = git -C $Path rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
if ($sourceBranch -eq "HEAD") {
# when CI checks out just the single commit,
$sourceBranch = $env:BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH -replace "^refs/heads/"

if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($branch)) {
throw "Branch is null or empty!"

if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($sourceBranch)) {
throw "SourceBranch is null or empty!"

Write-Host "Branch is $branch"
Write-Host "SourceBranch is $sourceBranch"
$branchesWithStartTag = git -C $Path branch --contains tags/$start

if (-not $branchesWithStartTag -or $branchesWithStartTag -notmatch $branch) {
Write-Host "This branch $branch$(if($branch -ne $sourceBranch){" ($sourceBranch)"}), does not contain the starting tag $start. Skipping generating release notes."
if ($branchesWithStartTag) {
Write-Host "The tag is present on branches:`n$($branchesWithStartTag)."
else {
Write-Host "Branch $branch$(if($branch -ne $sourceBranch){" ($sourceBranch)"}) has tag $start, getting log since that."

$prUrl = "$repoUrl/pull/"
$v = $tag -replace '^v'
$b = if ($Stable) { $v } else { $tag -replace '.*?(\d+-\d+)$', '$1' }
# using .. because I want to know the changes that are on this branch, but don't care about the changes that I don't have
$log = (git -C $Path log "$start..$end" --oneline --pretty="format:%s" --first-parent --no-merges)
$issues = $log | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match '^(?<message>.+)\s\(#(?<pr>\d+)\)?$') {
$message = "* $($matches.message)"
if ($ {
$pr = $
$message += " [#$pr]($prUrl$pr)"

"* $_"

$output = @"
See the release notes [here]($($v -replace '\.')).
## $v
### Issue Fixed
$($issues -join "`n")
See full log [here]($repoUrl/compare/$start...$tag)
### Drops
* TestPlatform vsix: [$v]($sourceBranch/$b;/TestPlatform.vsix)
* Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel : [$v]($v)

$output | clip

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