InspectorZK is a handy desktop client for Zookeeper servers. It allows anyone to connect to a ZK server, view data, view nodes, child nodes, view/replace/delete acl's, etc...
This started out as a project to get more familiar with ZooKeeper, while at the same time, building a useable desktop client. By no means, is this a bug-free application. In the case you encoutiner a bug, please submit a ticket and i will be happy to address.
InspectorZK is a Java application. In order to run this app, you will need to have Java 8(+) installed.
You will also need a Zookeeper Server/Quorum.
As of initial checkin, Zookeeper version: 3.4.11 is supported.
Please check the "dist" folder to get the latest Jar. At the time of initial check-in, the current version is: inspectorzk-1.0.0-executable.jar
I've tried to make this as easy as possible to get up and running.
There are 2 ways to start the app:
- double-click jar file
- command-line: shell> java -jar inspectorzk-1.0.0-executable.jar
For any issues or feature requests, plesase feel free to submit a ticket: