Control your MEOBox with NodeJS, it's so simple!
You'll need node.js to run it. Get it at
Next, run meo_remoteControl.js through node program:
$ node meo_remoteControl.js
And that's it!
You'll need to change the host IP. You can access the IP address of the MEOBox in the router page.
You can access the following characterKeys
number_0 characterKey=48
number_1 characterKey=49
number_2 characterKey=50
number_3 characterKey=51
number_4 characterKey=52
number_5 characterKey=53
number_6 characterKey=54
number_7 characterKey=55
number_8 characterKey=56
number_9 characterKey=57
back characterKey=8
ok characterKey=13
menu characterKey=36
left characterKey=37
right characterKey=39
up characterKey=38
down characterKey=40
plus characterKey=33
minus characterKey=34
volume_up characterKey=175
volume_down characterKey=174
mute characterKey=173
exit characterKey=27
channel_up characterKey=33
channel_down characterKey=34
guide characterKey=112
last_channel characterKey=156
record characterKey=225
play characterKey=120
forward characterKey=121
rewind characterKey=118
power characterKey=233
info characterKey=159
search characterKey=106
enter characterKey=43
vod characterKey=114
skipbackward characterKey=118
stop characterKey=123
red characterKey=140
green characterKey=141
blue characterKey=143
yellow characterKey=142
delete characterKey=46
options characterKey=111
rosebutton characterKey=237
recordings characterKey=115
playpause characterKey=179