Suite of utilities to work with the CLASS and HI_CLASS codes
Note it is under heavy development and may contain bugs and/or be useless for you (then fork, write and pull-request!)
You need to follow one of these procedures in order to use this package:
- Automate installation (recommended):
From github:
pip install --user git+
pip install --user git+
(normally ardok-m has more recent features but also is more prone to bugs)
After downloading the package:
pip install --user /path/to/package
python /path/to/package/ install --user
- Source the folder where the utilities are located:
for ipython (notebook) add
import sys sys.path.insert(0, '/path/to/package/work_in_class')
for python (e.g. in terminal) add to .bashrc
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/path/to/package/work_in_class/:$PYTHONPATH
To Do (Sept 22 '16):
- Add functions to compare output, generate ini files
- Add/test compatibility with Classy
- Load and handle init files. Add a dictionary for abbreviations to parameters and nice prints.
- Read the headers and automatically translate column numbers into labels
** This list is unmantained at the time being.