Console: coupon
Talk: /c
[] = required
() = optional
/c redeem [coupon code]
[coupon code] = code to redeem. this is the command most players care about.
/c add item [coupon code] [item code:amount(:damage(:enchantment))] (active) (total uses) (expiration)
[coupon code] = string used to redeem this coupon. no spaces.
[item code] = id of a block or item from Minecraft Wiki
[amount] = how many of the item to give.
(damage) = allows you to color your wool. go figure.
(enchantment) = id of enchantment to apply from Bukkit::Enchantments
(active) = default 1 for active, 0 for inactive. inactive coupons can not be redeemed, except by a "multi" coupon.
(total uses) = default 1 use.
(expiration) = period coupon is good for. example: +1:hour
/c add xp [coupon code] [xp] (active) (total uses) (expiration)
[coupon code] = string used to redeem this coupon. no spaces.
[xp] = Experience level to reward.
(active) = default 1 for active, 0 for inactive. inactive coupons can not be redeemed, except by a "multi" coupon.
(total uses) = default 1 use.
(expiration) = period coupon is good for. example: +60:min
/c add rank [coupon code] [rank] (active) (total uses) (expiration)
[coupon code] = string used to redeem this coupon. no spaces.
[rank] = title to grant the player.
(active) = default 1 for active, 0 for inactive. inactive coupons can not be redeemed, except by a "multi" coupon.
(total uses) = default 1 use.
(expiration) = period coupon is good for. example: +30:seconds
/c add econ [coupon code] [money] (active) (total uses) (expiration)
[coupon code] = string used to redeem this coupon. no spaces.
[money] = amount of money to reward.
(active) = default 1 for active, 0 for inactive. inactive coupons can not be redeemed, except by a "multi" coupon.
(total uses) = default 1 use.
(expiration) = period coupon is good for. example: +90:days
/c add warp [coupon code] [x] [y] [z] (active) (total uses) (expire)
[coupon code] = string used to redeem this coupon. no spaces.
[x/y/z] = coordinates to teleport player to. if any don't parse as numbers, they will be replaced with the players current respective coordinate. ex: 'X 256 X' to drop someone from the sky.
(active) = default 1 for active, 0 for inactive. inactive coupons can not be redeemed, except by a "multi" coupon.
(total uses) = default 1 use.
(expiration) = period coupon is good for. example: +15:minutes
/c add bad [coupon code] [effect] (active) (total uses) (expire)
[coupon code] = string used to redeem this coupon. no spaces.
- burn = set player on fire
- explode = player explodes like TNT
- chicken = spawns player some chickens
- lightning = hits the player with lightning
- poison = poisons the player
- drop = teleport the player high up into the sky
- kick = kicks the plays
- ban = bans the player