Basic setup demo for Akka.Net in Docker.
This is configured as two Linux containers, one running a Console app with an Akka.Net ActorSystem, and the other running WebApi. The web api accesses the Console app via Akka.Remote. The EchoConsole app has a single EchoActor.
You can build and run both processes without docker from Visual Studio 2017 using Debug -> Start Debugging
You can build the app from the command line, build the docker containers from the published source, then launch the two processes together:
> dotnet build
> dotnet publish
> docker-compose up -build
If this worked correctly, you should then be able to send a GET request to http://localhost:3000/api/echo/test. Right now the EchoActor does nothing but write to the debug console.
EchoConsoleApp -> Build -> Advanced Settings... -> Language version is set to "C# latest minor version (latest)" so that HostBuilder is available (requires C# 7.1).
Currently there may be some problems with .NET Core 2.1