USD to GLTF/GLB converter
Current version 0.3.5
This package can be incorporated into a DCC tool (like Houdini) or used from the command-line.
usage: usd2gltf [-h] [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT] [--interpolation INTERPOLATION] [-d] [-f]
Convert incoming USD(z) file to glTF/glb
optional arguments:
- -h, --help show this help message and exit
- -i INPUT, --input INPUT
- Input USD (.usd, .usdc, .usda, .usdz)
- -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
- Output glTF (.gltf, .glb)
- --interpolation INTERPOLATION
- Interpolation of animation (LINEAR, STEP, CUBIC)
- -d, --debug Run in debug mode
- -f, --flatten Flatten all animations into one animation
- usd-core (Or custom Pixar USD build)
- gltflib
- numpy
- Mesh conversion
- UV support (TEXCOORD_0, TEXCOORD_1)
- displayColor support (COLORS_0)
- Animated skeleton, weights, skinning
- Normals and tangents supported
- Materials
- UsdPreviewSurface -> PBRMetallicRoughness
- Camera conversion
- Light conversion
- Point
- Spot
- Directional
- Xform conversion
- Animated xforms supported
- Animations
- Allows per object animation or single flat GLTF animation
- Export
- GLB and GLTF options
- GLTF Extras