JavaScript based, match pair memory game
Play game at:
How to start: click the 'Start' button or double click on any card
Browser | Version | Status |
Mozilla Firefox | 62 | OK |
Google Chrome | 68 | OK |
Opera | 55 | OK |
Microsoft Edge | 42 | OK |
- Timer (default max time is 4 minutes = 240 seconds in code) which automatically starts when 'Start' button is clicked or when double click on card occurs
- Game counter which count founded matches, game time and how many clicks are made
- Game can start by button or by double click on a card
- After finished game or if time is end, summary window will show up
- Background image provided by: Subtle Patterns,
- All icons in project provided by: Font Awesome,
- Parts of JS code and some styles, based on code by @taniarascia from project:
- Font: Oxygen, created by Vernon Adams,