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Charts Community Fork

Gitter exafree/charts_cf chat room

This repo, charts_cf, is a fork of google/charts and provides a charting module, charts_flutter_cf for flutter.

This fork is necessary as Google is not currently accepting pull requests and there are bugs that need to be fixed and features the community feels need to be added.

Guide lines

The master branch of this repo will be the same as a commit on the master branch of google/charts and will be synchronized with the most current commit google/charts master as soon as practical. The release branch of this repo will then be rebaased on top of master and a new release created soon thereafter.

The version number of a charts_cf release will follow Dart's package versioning spec. The major number will be the same as google/charts with minor version number being greather than the google/charts minor version. This means that the charts_cf public API will always be backwards compatible with google/charts, but have new functionality or improvements as stated in semver spec rule 8.

Long term we hope that Google will accpet changes directly, but until such time we will do our best to fix bugs and enhance google/charts and remain backwards compatible.

Pull requests

We look forward to seeing pull requests. In general we desire that an issue be created before a PR is merged and it's probably a good idea to create an issue before creating a PR so we might discuss solutions. When creating the commit message add a "Fixes: #xx" line in the last paragraph of the commit message, where xx is the issue number. This will link the PR with an issue and when the PR is closed the issue will also be closed. Also, links will appear between the PR and Issue will appear in

Of great importance is that tests should be provided with a PR, these can extend a current test file or a new test file can be created. If in doubt we suggest creating a new test file as it will be easier to merge/rebase changes into google/charts.


  • Dart
  • Flutter

Development Dependencies

  • Gnu make
  • git
  • npm
    • auto-changelog


To make a pull request fork the repoistory, create a branch, add your feature or fix a bug and create a commit. Push that branch to your fork and create a github pull request.

There are actually two modules in this repo, charts_flutter_cf located in <project_root_charts_cf>/charts_flutter_cf/ and charts_common_cf located in <project_root_charts_cf>/charts_common_cf/.

I when working on a feature or bug fix in your fork one work flow is to clone your fork as a submodule in a project that will be using charts_flutter_cf.

For example, I use flutter_benchmarkx_gui. To get started with your own test application update your pubspec.yaml commenting out the dependency and change it to use path: submodules/charts_cf/charts_flutter_cf:

  #charts_flutter_cf: ^0.10.2
    path: submodules/charts_cf/charts_flutter_cf

Then add the submodule to your project, here is an example with bm_gui:

wink@3900x:~/prgs/flutter/projects/bm_gui (master)
$ git submodule add submodules/charts_cf
Cloning into '/home/wink/prgs/flutter/projects/bm_gui/submodules/charts_cf'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 3364, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3364/3364), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1681/1681), done.
remote: Total 3364 (delta 1789), reused 3166 (delta 1595), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (3364/3364), 4.86 MiB | 8.94 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1789/1789), done.

Now make the charts_cf modules in the newly created submodule

wink@3900x:~/prgs/flutter/projects/bm_gui (release)
$ cd submodules/charts_cf

wink@3900x:~/prgs/flutter/projects/bm_gui/submodules/charts_cf (release)
$ make get test
Resolving dependencies... (1.0s)
+ _fe_analyzer_shared 3.0.0
+ analyzer 0.39.8
+ watcher 0.9.7+15
+ web_socket_channel 1.1.0
+ webkit_inspection_protocol 0.7.3
+ yaml 2.2.1
Downloading test 1.14.6...
Downloading test_core 0.3.6...
Changed 54 dependencies!
Running "flutter pub get" in charts_flutter_cf...                   1.3s
Running "flutter pub get" in example...                             1.1s
Precompiling executable... (10.0s)
Precompiled test:test.
00:38 +398: All tests passed!
00:08 +28: All tests passed!

Now verify your test application still works and then commit the work, most likely on a dev branch in your test app:

$ git checkout -b submodule-charts_cf
Switched to a new branch 'submodule-charts_cf'

wink@3900x:~/prgs/flutter/projects/bm_gui (submodule-charts_cf)
$ git add *

wink@3900x:~/prgs/flutter/projects/bm_gui (submodule-charts_cf)
$ git status
On branch submodule-charts_cf
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
	new file:   .gitmodules
	modified:   pubspec.yaml
	new file:   submodules/charts_cf

wink@3900x:~/prgs/flutter/projects/bm_gui (submodule-charts_cf)
$ git commit -m 'Add submodules/charts_cf'
[submodule-charts_cf c5ffe0a] Add submodules/charts_cf
 3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 .gitmodules
 create mode 160000 submodules/charts_cf```

Now, you can cd submodules/charts_cf, create a new branch and work on whatever feature or bug fix you desire in submodules/charts_cf/. When it's working and tests are written, create a pull request from your fork to exafree/charts_cf.


Release from exafree/charts_cf with the release branch checked out.

  1. Clone exafree/charts, if you've not already done so.
$ git clone
  1. Checkout release branch, if you've not already done so.
$ git checkout release
Switched to branch 'release'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/release'.
  1. Get dependencies and run the tests
$ make get test
Resolving dependencies...
Got dependencies!
Running "flutter pub get" in charts_flutter_cf...                   0.4s
Running "flutter pub get" in example...                             0.4s
Precompiling executable... (10.3s)
Precompiled test:test.
00:41 +417: All tests passed!
00:02 +28: All tests passed!
  1. Make the release commit, use the next version NOT 0.10.3+cf. This command updates version numbers in pubspec.yaml files, generates new changelog's, commits changes, creates tag, does a get, test and dry-run.
$ make rlease charts_ver=0.10.3+cf
  1. Do a git status, it should show no modified, untracked or changed files.
$ git status
  1. Verify your preferred test application works by changing the charts_cf: path field in pubspec.yaml to point to this local repo:
  #charts_flutter_cf: ^0.10.2
    path: ../path/to/exafree/charts_cf
  1. Push the branch and tag, use the next version NOT 0.10.3+cf
git push origin release 0.10.3+cf
  1. If all is well, publish:
$ make publish
  1. Verify your preferred test application works with the newly published charts_cf. Change the charts_cf: in pubspec.yaml point to the next version NOT 0.10.3+cf:
  charts_flutter_cf: ^0.10.3+cf
  #  path: ../path/to/exafree/charts_cf
  1. Be Happy :)


The make file provides convience commands to get dependencies, test and publish charts_cf:

$ make
Usage charts_cf: make [Target]
  Run commands for building, testing and publishing
  charts_common_cf and charts_flutter_cf

  get:                  Get packages needed for charts_common_cf and charts_flutter_cf
  test:                 Test charts_common_cf and charts_flutter_cf
  dry-run:              Dry-run publish for charts_common_cf and charts_flutter_cf
  release:              Updates version numbers in pubspec.yaml files,
                        generates new changelog's, creates Release-x.y.z+cf branch,
                        commits changes, creates tag, does a get, test and dry-run
                           Example usage: make release charts_ver=0.10.3+cf
  publish:              Publish charts_common_cf and charts_flutter_cf
  test_common_failing:  Test failures are reported in charts_common_cf
  test_flutter_failing: Test failures are reported in charts_flutter_cf
  help:                 This help message


No packages published


  • Dart 99.4%
  • Shell 0.2%
  • Makefile 0.2%
  • Objective-C 0.2%
  • Handlebars 0.0%
  • Java 0.0%