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#1 Added shape deconstruction from stage.
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mikolak-net committed Jan 14, 2018
1 parent ecf895e commit 22aedf4
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Showing 2 changed files with 94 additions and 0 deletions.
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/net/mikolak/travesty/Registry.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package net.mikolak.travesty

import{Graph, Shape}

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._

object Registry {
private[travesty] def deconstructShape[T <: Graph[_ <: Shape, _]: TypeTag](g: T): ShapeTypes = {
val tpe = typeOf[T]
val graphType = tpe.baseType(typeOf[Graph[_, _]].typeSymbol)
val bottomShapeType = graphType.typeArgs.head

val shapeType =

val inletSize = g.shape.inlets.size
val outletSize = g.shape.outlets.size
val portTypes = shapeType.typeArgs

val typeLists = if (inletSize + outletSize > portTypes.size) {
if (outletSize > inletSize) {
val (ins, outsPart) = portTypes.splitAt(inletSize)
(ins, outsPart ++ List.fill(outletSize - outsPart.size)(outsPart.lastOption.getOrElse(ins.last)))
} else {
val (insPart, outs) = portTypes.splitAt(portTypes.length - outletSize)
(insPart ++ List.fill(inletSize - insPart.size)(insPart.lastOption.getOrElse(outs.last)), outs)

} else {



case class ShapeTypes(inlets: List[Type], outlets: List[Type])
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions src/test/scala/net/mikolak/travesty/RegistrySpec.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
package net.mikolak.travesty

import{Graph, Shape, scaladsl}
import{BidiFlow, Broadcast, Flow, Merge, MergePreferred, Sink, Source, Unzip, Zip, ZipN}
import org.scalatest.prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, MustMatchers}
import org.scalatest.words.MustVerb

import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._

class RegistrySpec extends FlatSpec with MustMatchers with MustVerb with TableDrivenPropertyChecks {

def tested[T <: Graph[_ <: Shape, _]: TypeTag](g: T) = Registry.deconstructShape(g)

"deconstructShape" must "correctly define port types for basic shapes" in {
tested(Source.empty[String]) must be(ShapeTypes(Nil, List(typeOf[String])))
tested(Sink.seq[Int]) must be(ShapeTypes(List(typeOf[Int]), Nil))
tested(Flow[Boolean].map(identity)) must be(ShapeTypes(List(typeOf[Boolean]), List(typeOf[Boolean])))
tested(Flow[A].map(_.toString)) must be(ShapeTypes(List(typeOf[A]), List(typeOf[java.lang.String])))

it must "correctly define port types for fanX shapes" in {
tested(Broadcast[String](4)) must be(ShapeTypes(List(typeOf[String]), List.fill(4)(typeOf[String])))
tested(Merge[Boolean](7, true)) must be(ShapeTypes(List.fill(7)(typeOf[Boolean]), List(typeOf[Boolean])))

tested(Zip[A, String]) must be(ShapeTypes(List(typeOf[A], typeOf[String]), List(typeOf[(A, String)])))
tested(Unzip[A, String]) must be(ShapeTypes(List(typeOf[(A, String)]), List(typeOf[A], typeOf[String])))
tested(ZipN[A](20)) must be(ShapeTypes(List.fill(20)(typeOf[A]), List(typeOf[scala.collection.immutable.Seq[A]])))

it must "correctly define ports for uniformFanX shapes" in {
tested(MergePreferred[B](3, false)) must be(ShapeTypes(List.fill(3 + 1)(typeOf[B]), List(typeOf[B])))

it must "correctly define port types for BidiFlows" in {
tested(BidiFlow.fromFunctions[A, B, B, A](_.toB, _.toA)) must be(
ShapeTypes(List(typeOf[A], typeOf[B]), List(typeOf[B], typeOf[A])))

it must "correctly define port types for misc shapes" in {
tested(Flow[A].map(_.toB).async) must be(ShapeTypes(List(typeOf[A]), List(typeOf[B])))

tested(Flow[A].mapAsync(3)(a => Future.successful(a.toB)).async) must be(ShapeTypes(List(typeOf[A]), List(typeOf[B])))

trait A {
def toB: B


trait B {
def toA: A

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