A simple weather station project based on Adafruit Feather ESP32-S2 and BME680. Basic version reads temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure, connects to local Wi-Fi and sends data to ThingsBoard demo server. You can find current data from our test setup here.
Hardware needed for this project:
- Adafruit ESP32-S2 Feather - great microcontroller board by Adafruit, with some nice sleep/low power functions we're gonna need
- BME680 Sensor Breakout - reads temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure and VOC (we won't be using this, so will probably switch to some other sensor once the chip shortage is over)
- easyC cable - 10 cm - eascyC or Stemma QT or Qwiic, it's all the same, easy way to connect I2C (IIC) devices
- Li-ion battery 2100mAh 3.7V - should be enough for what we need
Also, we can go solar by using:
Project software is written in VS Code with PlatformIO plugin, but it can be compiled using Arduino IDE (you might need to change a few things here and there, and manually download the libraries used in the project, but it should work).
Before compiling, you must add your credentials (WiFi, ThingsBoard, etc), so please follow the instructions in include/CredentialsTemplate.h file.