Minecraft mod to copy NBT and render entities
- Key: M
- Description: Renders the entity you are looking at to a png with the size of the minecraft window or 512/511px.
- Note: Because some entities require very fine scaling to render exactly 512px, sometimes they will render to 511px if it takes too long.
Steve Modifier
- Description: Changes the skin to Steve if you render a player.
Enchant Modifier
- Description: Does not render enchantment glow.
Self Modifier
- Key: RMENU
- Description: Renders yourself instead.
Invisible Modifier
- Key: APPS
- Description: Makes the entity invisible.
- Note: This is like an invisibility potion, it will still render armor.
- Key: N
- Description: Copy NBT to your clipboard of the entity you are looking at, or the item you are hovering over.