This extension contains snippets for Kendo UI for React components
In order to install an extension you need to launch the Command Pallete (Ctrl + Shift + P or Cmd + Shift + P) and type Extensions. There you have either the option to show the already installed snippets or install new ones.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl + P or Cmd + P), paste the following command, and press enter.
ext install kendo-react-snippets
Alternatively you can open the extensions panel and search for 'kendo react snippets'.
- JavaScript (.js)
- JavaScript (.jsx)
- TypeScript (.tsx)
Below is a list of all available component snippets and the triggers of each one. The "->" means the TAB
Trigger | Content |
krc-imports-> |
Kendo React Import Statements |
krc-button-> |
Kendo React Button |
krc-buttongroup-> |
Kendo React Button Group |
krc-calendar-> |
Kendo React Calendar |
krc-combobox-> |
Kendo React ComboBox |
krc-dateinput-> |
Kendo React DateInput |
krc-drowpownlist-> |
Kendo React DropDownList |
krc-grid-> |
Kendo React Grid |
krc-panelbar-> |
Kendo React PanelBar |
krc-tabstrip-> |
Kendo React TabStrip |
krc-datepicker-> |
Kendo React DatePicker |
krc-autocomplete-> |
Kendo React AutoComplete |
krc-switch-> |
Kendo React Switch |
krc-timepicker-> |
Kendo React TimePicker |
krc-chart-> |
Kendo React Chart |
krc-stockchart-> |
Kendo React StockChart |
Below is a list of all available wrapper snippets and the triggers of each one. The "->" means the TAB
Trigger | Content |
krw-button-> |
Kendo React Button Wrapper |
krw-buttongroup-> |
Kendo React Button Group Wrapper |
krw-chart-> |
Kendo React Char Wrapper |