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Sa emocijama na ti is a website I designed and it is still under construction, I do this for a friend of a friend who is working with emotion workshops.Simple website


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Vite simple starter markup template

Key features of this template:

Build Tools: Vite.js Plugins: Autoprefixer, Imagemin, Imagemin-Webp, PostCSS Sort Media Queries, Vite plugin Image Optimizer Styles: SCSS Reset: Reset.css

Get your project up and running quickly with this template and start creating amazing web applications!


This template uses the following dependencies:

  • Vite: A next-generation frontend build tool that offers a fast dev server and optimized builds.
  • autoprefixer: Autoprefixer automatically adds vendor prefixes to CSS.
  • vite-plugin-image-optimizer: Image optimization (png, jpeg, gif, tiff, webp, avif).
  • imagemin-webp: Converts formats such as .png/.jpg etc to .webp format
  • postcss-sort-media-queries: Plugin for sorting and combining CSS media queries with mobile first / desktop first methodologies.


  1. To start using this template, clone the repository with this command:
git clone
  1. Then rename the folder "vite-builder" and install the dependencies:
cd your-project-name
npm install

Further steps

After cloning the template, make sure to clean up and update the following:

  1. Remove the .git directory and run git init to clean the commit history.
  2. Clean up the file.
  3. Adapt the LICENSE file to your project.
  4. Delete public/vite.svg, folder demo/, src/img/**/*, src/fonts/**/* and also src/scss/**.* except style.scss and _reset.scss.
  5. Remove unnecessary .html files in the pages folder.
  6. Delete the content from src/scss/style.scss except @import "reset.scss";.
  7. In the src/js/main.js file, leave only these import statements: import '../scss/style.scss';.


Use the following scripts for your development workflow:

# Start the development server
npm run dev

# Build for production
npm run build

# Preview the build
npm run preview

Folder Structure

This is the structure of the project:

├── node_modules            # Node.js dependencies for the project.
├── pages                   # Folder for additional .html pages
├── public                  # Public assets and resources
├── src                     # Source code
│   ├── fonts	            # Folder for your fonts
│   ├── img                 # Folder for your images
│   ├── js                  # Javascript files of your project
│   ├── scss                # SCSS styles for your project
├── .gitignore              # Files and folders to be ignored by Git
├── index.html              # The HTML file for your project
├── LICENSE                 # The license for your project
├── package-lock.json       # Lockfile for your project's dependencies
├── package.json            # Defines your project and its dependencies
├── postcss.config.cjs      # Configuration for PostCSS
├──               # This file
├── vite.config.js          # Configuration for Vite


This template was created under the MIT License.

Thank you and happy coding! 💻


Sa emocijama na ti is a website I designed and it is still under construction, I do this for a friend of a friend who is working with emotion workshops.Simple website








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