This is a Django currency exchange database. and basic admin interface to read data from local database.
This REST API is a simple currency exchange database.
Fetches history records. It takes query parameters like:
limit (int or 'none', by default returns 500 items)
order (ASC or DESC), in case of not supported value, DESC is applied
any other valid django filters
get(/api/currency/) # returns last 500 records get(/api/currency/?limit=3&order=ASC) # returns first 3 records get(/api/currency/?limit=none&order=ASC) # returns all records ordered by id ASC get(/api/currency/?open_rate__gte=1) # returns all records, where open rate was greater oreuals to 1
Fetches data from Yahoo for currency pair rate and returns the open rate. Saves the search in the history with the timestamp.
- Django REST Framework - I decided on DRF, because it has great documentation, is a powerful full-stack tool and has a big community.
- yfinance - I checked on this, and kept with it.
- SQLite - this is built in database that does the job for such purposes
- django-admin-rangefilter - it's a great filtering app for django
It is recommended to use python virtual environment
- Install Python 3.11 or higher
- Install packages from requirements.txt using pip
- use django makemigration to setup sqlite database
- create superuser