CompoundSignal works like a group of signals which should be dispatched automatically after all the signals contained by the group are dispatched. Arguments are passed to listeners as Arrays on the same order as the signals were passed on the constructor.
If you are familiar with Promise/Deferred think of it as Promise which will be resolved after all the signals on the group are dispatched. (similar to jQuery.when, Q.join and when.all)
Inside the browser it will simply add a new constructor inside the signals
var endedAnimation = new signals.Signal();
var completedSomething = new signals.Signal();
var completedManyThings = new signals.CompoundSignal(endedAnimation, completedSomething);
// CompoundSignal is just a regular Signal that gets dispatched after the other
// signals are dispatched (and have a similar API)
completedManyThings.addOnce( doSomethingOnCompletedManyThings );
function doSomethingOnCompletedManyThings(paramsArr1, paramsArr2){
//handler will receive parameters of each signal as arrays since
//they can dispatch an arbitrary number of parameters
console.log( paramsArr1, paramsArr2 );
If loaded using an AMD loader (e.g. RequireJS) or
inside nodejs it will return the constructor and also add itself to the
object (to keep consistency with browser environment).
define(['signals', 'CompoundSignal'], function(signals, CompoundSignal){
console.log( signals.CompoundSignal === CompoundSignal ); // true
var signals = require('signals'),
CompoundSignal = require('CompoundSignal');
console.log( signals.CompoundSignal === CompoundSignal ); // true
For more examples check the unit tests inside the "tests/" folder.
A compound Signal inherits all the methods and properties from a regular
but have a couple properties to toggle the behavior and some
additional methods as well.
If true
it will store a reference to previously dispatched arguments and will
automatically execute callbacks during add()
(similar to
a "Promise"). Default value is false
Sets if multiple dispatches of same signal should override previously
registered parameters. Default value is false
If true
CompoundSignal will act like a "Promise", after first dispatch,
subsequent dispatches will always pass same arguments. It will also remove all
the listeners automatically after dispatch. Default value is false
Works similar to a regular Signal dispatch()
method but if CompoundSignal was
already "resolved" and it is unique
, it will always dispatch the same
arguments, no mather which parameters are passed to the dispatch
Check if CompoundSignal did resolved.
Restore CompoundSignal to it's original state. Will consider as if no signals was dispatched yet and will mark CompoundSignal as unresolved.
You can use the same distribution file for all the evironments, browser script tag, AMD, CommonJS.
You can install it on Node.js using NPM
npm install CompoundSignal
Open tests/spec_runner.html
on your browser.
Install npm and run:
npm install jasmine-node -g
npm link
jasmine-node dev/tests/spec