Contents: Base project demonstrating access to LEDs and buttons from bare-metal and linux
- Vitis: Bare Metal Register/Driver access
- Vitis: FreeRTOS demonstration
- Linux: GPIO-Keys with device tree
- Digilent Arty-Z7-20
- MicroUSB Cable
- SD Card
- Ubuntu 18.04 host system for compilation
- Vivado/Vitis 2020.2
- Petalinux 2020.2
- Terminal program (TeraTerm or minicom)
Compile everything:
Create and compile Vivado project:
make fpga
Create and compile Vitis bare metal project, create boot binary
make vitis
Create and compile petalinux project
make petalinux
Vivado Block Design: From tcl shell:
write_bd_tcl [get_property DIRECTORY [current_project]]/../source/scripts/bd.tcl -include_layout -force
Software Design (Vitis): Put vitis source code under:
- Put all files in ./vitis/src
├── build <--- Build Outputs (FPGA and Boot binaries)
├── hw <--- All source files related to Vivado Design
│ ├── build <--- Vivado Project
│ ├── scripts <--- TCL scripts to recreate project in batch mode
│ │ └── settings.tcl <--- Set FPGA type, project name, and number of processors for compilation
│ └── source
│ ├── constraints <--- Constraints location. Files will be imported during creation
│ ├── hdl <--- Put HDL IP blocks (non block design) here
│ ├── ip <--- Put IP blocks (used by ip integrator) here
│ └── scripts
│ └── bd.tcl <--- TCL script to recreate the block design.
└── sw
├── petalinux <--- Petalinux project
├── vitis <--- Project folder containing bare metal application
│ ├── build <--- Boot image is located here (BOOT.bin)
│ ├── scripts <--- TCL scripts for batch mode
│ ├── src <--- Bare metal source code files
│ └── ws <--- Vitis workspace
└── xsa <--- Hardware description file, exported by vivado