This Steam Shortcut Manager GUI project is intended to help work with a Steam install's shortcuts.vdf file - the list of data about non-Steam games added to Steam.
This is the first 'build' of the Steam Shortcut Manager GUI, hooray me. See "Releases."
Things beyond 1.0 release:
- Working with the localconfig.vdf to let folks update their non-Steam game images in Steam.
- Getting the Category sorter working in the main SSM gui.
- Maybe remove - not much of this DNA remains in the work I did at this point.
- Maybe remove - but I might need it for the localconfig image work...
Note: Users need to be familiar with their Steam install and how to navigate through filepaths to get to the non-Steam game executable files.
- Make sure Steam is closed so that changes made in the non-Steam games list will work correctly.
- Provide the filepath (including drive letter on Windows) to the shortcuts.vdf file location. Example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata< user_id >\config\shortcuts.vdf"
- Refer to the About menu and/or mouseover on entry fieldnames for more information and advice.
- Log any issues to the issue tracker with as much info as possible, screenshots are ideal so I can see what you see.
- Pull requests welcomed!
- CorporalQuesadilla for the prior work on a command line based Steam Shortcut Manager.
- Scott Rice for ICE,and his work finding how steam:// IDs are generated.
- PsychoTheHedgehog for also documenting how shortcuts.vdf is laid out.
- Fernanda Vergara (Roboxel) for use of the Kawaii Game Icon (available on!)
- Doc Buford for the original idea to visualize this in a friendlier format.