Babe Music Player - tiny desktop player
To compile get into the folder and run:
Install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install valac libgee-0.8-dev libgtk-3-dev libsoup2.4-dev libtagc0-dev libtag1-dev libges-1.0-dev libnotify-dev
sudo ln -s /usr/share/vala/vapi/gee-0.8.vapi /usr/share/vala/vapi/gee-1.0.vapi
valac --pkg gstreamer-1.0 --pkg gtk+-3.0 --pkg taglib_c --pkg gee-1.0 --pkg libxml-2.0 --pkg libsoup-2.4 --pkg libnotify babe.vala stream.vala lastfm.vala widgets.vala LyricFetcher.vala list.vala playlist.vala
and run:
Soon I'll make it easier to compile and create some testing packages.