This is my homework in formal languages. You can find here 3 algos including GLL/GLR. Project uses CMake for build automation and googletest framework for testing.
- Clone this repository
$ git clone
- Change directory to downloaded repository directory
cd Grammar
- Make sure you have make, cmake (>= 3.5.1) and g++ (>= 4.9)
- Run build script
$ chmod +x
$ ./
Script should create build directory, configure and build project there. Then it shoud run all the unit tests.
If you don't like my script for some reason you may consider building it all by hands, it's not hard, really ;) Just create directory inside repository and run cmake inside it:
mkdir build && cd build
Inside build directory:
./Grammar ../test/grammars/ ../test/graphs/ res.dat
Then program will ask your input to select algorithm to run. Please be aware that MatrixSolver does not support Graphvis input (.dot files) for grammars.
If you just want to check if tests are passing, you can always refer to Travis (continious integration platform). You can access last build log (with testing protocol) by clicking icon on top of this readme file or via this link: Travis config is in .travis.yml file in this repository