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RoyalMechs Battetech Mod

Additional Royal variants patterned after the variants introduced in 1.9.1. Should work with both ModTek and vanilla mod loader.

Depends on the following mods:

  • CommunityBundles
  • StreakMissileLaunchers

Available in the black market and advanced Star League systems. Also, FellOfACargoShip or BattleTech Save Editor mods can be used to add them your mech bay.

How mechs were converted?

  • XL engine - reduce initial tonnate, no slots penalty.
  • Endo Steel - reduce initial tonnage. no slots penalty.
  • FF armor - reduce initial tonnage to compensate for extra armor tons to maintain armor level. no slots penalty.
  • CASE - increase armor tonnage in torso. no slots taken.
  • Artemis IV replace with missile targeting upgrades.
  • Streak SRM 2 enabled via StreakMissileLaunchers.

KTO-19b Kintaro

  • SLDF Royal
  • XL Engine
  • Double heatsinks
  • FF armor (-1 initial tonnage, +1 armor)
  • CASE (+1.0 armor on L/R torso)
  • InitialTonnage 18.5 = 5.5[IS] + 8[EXL] + 3[C] + 3[G] -1[FF]

KGC-000b King Crab

  • SLDF Royal
  • Double heatsinks (2 built into the engine)
  • FF armor (-2 initial tonnage +2 armor)
  • CASE (-1 initial tonnage, +1 armor)
  • ArtemisIV (replace with Missile TTS)

KGC-010 King Crab

  • SLDF Royal
  • engine 300 (2 internal) 3/5
  • double heatsinks (10/10)
  • Endo steel
  • CASE (-1 initial tonnage, +1 armor)
  • 5[ESIS] + 19.0[E] + 6[C/G] = 30

TBT-3C Trebuchet

  • SLDF Royal
  • XL Engine (6,9)
  • Double heatsinks
  • Endo steel
  • -0.5 armor (dropped by original design)
  • CASE (-1 initial tonnage, +1 armor)
  • ArtemisIV (replace with Missile TTS+)

ARC-2Rb Archer

  • SLDF Royal
  • Double heatsinks
  • endo steel
  • CASE (+1 armor on L/R torso)
  • ArtemisIV (replace with Missile TTS+)
  • InitialTonnage 25.5 = 3.5[ENIS] + 16[E] + 3[C] + 3[G]

CPLT-C1b Catapult

  • SLDF Royal
  • Double heatsinks
  • FF armor (-1 initial tonnage, +1 armor)
  • CASE (+1 armor on L/R torso)
  • InitialTonnage 25 = 6.5[IS] + 13.5[E] + 3[C] + 3[G] -1[FF]

STK-3Fb Stalker

  • SLDF Royal
  • Double heatsinks
  • Guardian ECM
  • CASE (+1 armor on L/R torso)
  • ArtemisIV (replace with Missile TTS+)

TDR-5Sb Thunderbolt

  • SLDF Royal
  • Endo steel
  • Double heatsinks
  • ArtemisIV (replace with Missile TTS)
  • CASE (+0.5 armor on L/R torso)
  • Small laser moved from Head to Left torso - lack of graphical assets.

SHD-2Hb Shadow Hawk

  • SLDF Royal
  • Endo steel
  • Double heatsinks (1 engine built-in)
  • CASE (+0.5 armor on L/R torso)
  • FF armor (-1 initial tonnage, +1 armor)
  • InitialTonnage 24.5 = 3[ENIS] + 15.5[E] + 3[C] + 3[G] + 1[HS] -1[FF]

ANH-1X Annihilator

  • SLDF Royal
  • Double heatsinks
  • CASE (+1 armor)

CDR-2R Crusader

  • SLDF Royal
  • Endo steel
  • Double heatsinks
  • CASE (+1.0 armor on L/R torso)
  • ArtemisIV (replace with Missile TTS+)
  • InitialTonnage 23 = 3.5[ENIS] + 13.5[E] + 3[C] + 3[G]

LCT-1Vb Locust

  • SLDF Royal
  • Endo steel
  • XL Engine
  • Double heatsinks
  • FF armor (-1 initial tonnage, +1 armor)
  • InitialTonnage 8 = 1[ENIS] + 3[EXL] + 3[C] + 2[G] -1[FF]

ZEU-5S Zeus

  • LCAF
  • Double heatsinks (2 builtin)
  • ArtemisIV (replace with Missile TTS)
  • InitialTonnage 39.5 = 8[IS] + 22.5[E] + 3[C] + 4[G] + 2[EDHS]

CHP-1Nb Champion

  • SLDF Royal
  • Double heatsinks
  • Endo steel
  • FF armor (-1 initial tonnage, +1 armor)
  • InitialTonnage 27 = 3[ENIS] + 19[E] + 3[C] + 3[G] -1[FF]

RFL-3N-2 Rifleman II

  • SLDF Royal
  • Endo steel
  • XL Engine
  • Double heatsinks
  • Beagle probe
  • InitialTonnage 24.5 = 4[ENIS] + 11.5[EXL] + 3[C] + 4[G] + 2[EDHS]

WVR-7H Wolverine II

  • SLDF Royal
  • Endo steel
  • Double heatsinks
  • FF armor (-1 initial tonnage, +1 armor)
  • ArtemisIV (replace with Missile TTS)
  • CASE (+1.0 armor on L/R torso)
  • InitialTonnage 23.5 = 3[ENIS] + 15.5[E] + 3[C] + 3[G] -1[FF]

DV-6Md Dervish

  • AFFS Elite
  • XL Engine
  • CASE (+0.5 armor on L/R torso)
  • InitialTonnage 21.5 = 5.5[IS] + 8.0[EXL] + 3[C] + 3[G] + 1[EHS]

BL-6b-KNT Black Knight

  • Revised from stock
  • SLDF Royal
  • Endo steel
  • Double heatsinks
  • Beagle probe
  • InitialTonnage 31 = 4.0[ENIS] + 19.0[E] + 3[C] + 3[G] + 2[EDHS]

STG-3Gb Stinger

  • SLDF Royal
  • XL Engine
  • Endo steel
  • Double heatsinks
  • InitialTonnage 8.5 = 1.0[ENIS] + 2.5[EXL] + 3[C] + 2[G]

HSR-200db Hussar

  • SLDF Royal
  • XL Engine
  • Double heatsinks
  • FF armor (-1 initial tonnage, +1 armor)
  • InitialTonnage 16.5 = 3.0[IS] + 7.5[EXL] + 3[C] + 3[G] - 1.0[FF]

MON-66b Mongoose

  • SLDF Royal
  • Endo steel
  • XL Engine
  • Double heatsinks
  • Beagle probe
  • FF armor (-1 initial tonnage, +1 armor)
  • InitialTonnage 10 = 1.5[ENIS] + 4.5[EXL] + 3[C] + 2[G] - 1.0[FF]

OSR-2Cb Ostroc

  • SLDF Royal
  • Double heatsinks
  • FF armor (-1 initial tonnage, +1 armor)
  • InitialTonnage 32 = 6[IS] + 19[E] + 3[C] + 3[G] + 2[EDHS] - 1.0[FF]

OTT-7Jb Ostscout

  • SLDF Royal
  • Endo steel
  • Beagle probe
  • InitialTonnage 24 = 2.0[ENIS] + 16.0[E] + 3[C] + 3[G]

OWR-2Mb Ostwar

  • SLDF Royal
  • Endo steel
  • XL Engine
  • Double heatsinks
  • CASE (+0.5 armor on L/R torso)
  • InitialTonnage 25.5 = 3.5[ENIS] + 12[EXL] + 3[C] + 4[G] + 3[EDHS]

STN-3Lb Sentinel

  • SLDF Royal
  • Endo steel
  • XL Engine
  • FF armor (-1 initial tonnage, +1 armor)
  • InitialTonnage 13 = 2.0[ENIS] + 6[EXL] + 3[C] + 3[G] - 1.0[FF]

EMP-6A Emperor

  • SLDF Royal
  • XL Engine
  • Double heatsinks
  • CASE (+1.0 armor on L/R torso)
  • InitialTonnage 22.5 = 9[IS] + 7.5[EXL] + 3[C] + 3[G]

PXH-1b Phoenix Hawk

  • Revised from stock
  • SLDF Royal
  • Endo steel
  • XL Engine
  • Double heatsinks
  • Guardian ECM
  • CASE (+0.5 armor on L/R torso)
  • InitialTonnage 16 = 2.5[ENIS] + 7.5[EXL] + 3[C] + 3[G]

THG-11Eb Thug

  • SLDF Royal
  • Endo steel
  • Double heatsinks
  • CASE (+1.0 armor on L/R torso)
  • InitialTonnage 35.5 = 4[ENIS] + 22.5[E] + 3[C] + 4[G] + 2[EDHS]

OSP-15 Osprey

  • SLDF Royal
  • Endo steel
  • XL Engine
  • Double heatsinks
  • CASE (+1.0 armor on L/R torso)
  • InitialTonnage 14.0 = 3.0[ENIS] + 5[EXL] + 3[C] + 3[G]

NSR-9J Nightstar

  • SLDF Royal
  • XL Engine
  • Double heatsinks
  • InitialTonnage 25 = 9.5[IS] + 8.5[EXL] + 3[C] + 3[G] + 1[EDHS]

BLR-1Gb BattleMaster

  • Revised from stock - move DHS into engine
  • SLDF Royal
  • Endo steel
  • Double heatsinks
  • InitialTonnage 41.5 = 4.5[ENIS] + 27[E] + 3[C] + 4[G] + 3[EDHS]

CRB-27b Crab (50t)

  • Revised from stock - weapon load out, mirror cFixes tonnage
  • SLDF Royal
  • Double heatsinks
  • FF armor (-1 initial tonnage, +1 armor)
  • InitialTonnage 16 = 5[IS] + 12.5[E] + 3[C] + 3[G] - 1.0[FF]

LNC25-01sl Lancelot (60t)

  • SLDF Elite
  • XL engine 360 (4 internal) 6/9
  • double heatsinks (14/16)
  • FF armor (-1.0 initial tonnage, +1.0 armor) (152->152)
  • 6.0[IS] + 16.5[XLE] + 7[C/G] + 4[DHS] -1[FF] = 32.5

CRB-27sl Crab (50t)

  • SLDF Elite
  • XL engine 250 5/8
  • double heatsinks (10/14)
  • FF armor (-1 initial tonnage, +1 armor)
  • 5.0[IS] + 6.5[XLE] + 6[C/G] -1[FF] = 16.5

MSH-9HKR Mackie "Kill-Roy's Little Buddy" (100t)

  • SLDF Elite
  • engine 300 (2 internal) 3/5
  • double heatsinks (12/13)
  • CASE (L/R Torso)
  • 10[IS] + 19.0[E] + 6[C/G] + 2[DHS] +1[CASE] = 38

WHM-6Rb Warhammer (70t)

  • SLDF Royal
  • engine 280 (1 internal) 4/6
  • double heatsinks (11/17)
  • FF armor (-1 initial tonnage, +1 armor)
  • ArtemisIV (replace with Missile TTS+)
  • 7[IS] + 16[E] + 6[C/G] + 1[DHS] -1.5[FF] = 28.5

WHM-6Rk Warhammer (70t)

  • DCMS Elite
  • XL engine 350 (4 internal) 5/8
  • double heatsinks (14/15)
  • 7[IS] + 15[XLE] + 7[C/G] + 4[DHS] = 33

TDR-5Sb Thunderbolt (65t)

  • AFFS Elite
  • engine 260 4/6
  • Double heatsinks (10/12)
  • 6.5[IS] + 13.5[E] + 6[C/G] = 26.0

BLR-1Gd BattleMaster (85t)

  • AFFS Elite
  • engine 340 (3 internal) 4/6
  • Double heatsinks (13/16)
  • 8.5[IS] + 27.0[E] + 7[C/G] + 3[DHS] = 45.5

PXH-1Kk Phoenix Hawk (45t)

  • DCMS Elite
  • engine 270 6/9
  • Double heatsinks (10/11)
  • 4.5[IS] + 14.5[E] + 6[C/G] = 25.0

STK-3Fk Stalker (85t)

  • DCMS Elite
  • engine 255 3/5
  • double heatsinks (10/18)
  • ArtemisIV (replace with Missile TTS+)
  • 8.5[IS] + 13.0[E] + 6[C/G]= 27.5

THE-Nb Thorn (20t)

  • XL engine 120 (6 external) 6/9
  • double heat sinks (4/10) TBD
  • Endo Steel
  • MASC
  • 1[ESIS] + 2[XLE] + 5[C/G] = 8.0

IMP-1A/B/C (100t)

  • Early Clan
  • engine 300 (2 internal) 3/5
  • double heatsinks (12/18)-1A (12/19)-1B (12/17)-1C
  • CASE (L Torso) (1A & 1B)
  • ArtemisIV (replace with Missile TTS+)
  • 10[IS] + 19.0[E] + 6[C/G] + 2[DHS] + 0.5[CASE] = 37.5, 37(1C)


  • -EXT-4Db Exterminator
  • -AS7-D-H Atlas II
  • -WVE-5Nb Wyvern
  • FFL-3A Firefly
  • -HER-1Sb Hermes
  • -CRK-5003-1b Crockett
  • EXC-B2b Excalibur


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