This project has been developed by Sayantan Dasgupta as per instructions given by Dipan Roy.
This REST API has a total of 4 routes. Using this we can upload an image, and divide it into different tiles, as per the tilefactor provided by the user
|-- build/ build files for Typescript .(gitignored)
|-- node_modules/ npm packages (gitignored)
|-- src/
|-- config/ configs for db, swagger and other packages go here
|-- controllers/ controller functions for every route. controllers make calls to services
|-- dtos/ structures for various data objects defined in this directory
|-- middlewares/ middlewares for various routes go here
|-- models/ database schema / models go here
|-- routes/ routes or endpoint definitions go here, routes make calls to controllers
|-- services/ files to process and query database go here
|-- shared/ files for extra utilities for this particular project go here
|-- utils/ files for extra utilities for all NodeTS projects go here
|-- app.ts entry point of our project
|-- .env environment variables used in the project(gitignored)
|-- .gitignore stores files and directories to be ignored in the commits
|-- package-lock.json stores version of every package used in the project
|-- package.json metadata of the project
|-- details and instructions go here
|-- tsconfig.json configuration for the typescript setup of project
To run the api locally, follow these steps:
- clone the repository
- create the .env file with PORT, MONGO_URI, and DEBUG variables as shown in
- run
npm i --save
to install the packages in package.json - run
npm run dev
to start the backend server
- node and npm
- typescript
- postman