- Docker greater than or equal to
18.03.1-ce-mac64 (24245)
We recommend you install Docker from the link above, not using homebrew.
- Copy the docker environment variables and fill in any missing secrets from the TeachingJobs 1Password vault:
$ cp docker-compose.env.sample docker-compose.env
- Build the docker container and set up the database
Start the application
Before you can log in to the application locally you will need a DfE Sign-in and an invitation to join Teaching Jobs. Talk to the team to get these set up.
Populate your environment with real school data. This is taken from GIAS
bin/drake data:schools:import
db/seeds.rb contain sample school data so this is not required for development
Index the vacancies in Elasticsearch, both in the development and test environments
bin/drake elasticsearch:vacancies:index
There are two ways that you can run the tests.
Because the setup and teardown introduces quite some latency, we use the spring service to start up all dependencies in a docker container. This makes the test run faster.
Get the test server up and running
Run the specs. When no arguments are specified, the default rake task is executed.
bin/dspec <args>
To run a single spec file, the args
are simply the path to the desired spec file:line number, e.g.
bin/dspec spec/features/job_seekers_can_view_vacancies_spec.rb:23
Run the javascript tests
Rebuilds the test server, runs rubocop checks, all tests (both specs and javascript) and cleans up.
I see Page Not Found when I log in and try to create a job listing
Try importing the school data if you have not already. When your sign in account was created, it was assigned to a school via a URN, and you may not have a school in your database with the same URN.
I get a connection error to Elasticsearch when I try to access the application locally
It might be that the web server is attempting to connect to Elasticsearch before it has fully booted, despite Elasticsearch being listed as a dependency for the webserver. Wait for a few minutes and try again.
The application claims to have vacancies in the search results but I can't see them listed
Run the Elasticsearch vacancies index task if you haven't already:
bin/drake elasticsearch:vacancies:index