This is a basic .Net framework based on HtmlAgilityPack library for parsing micro schema syntax (
It works like the way Google Structured Data Test Tool doing
// To parse all supported micro schema:
HtmlDocument doc = CreateHtmlDocFromUrl("");
var microSchemaParser = new MicroSchemaParser(doc);
List<ISchema> allSupportedSchemas = microSchemaParser.Parse();
// To find a specific micro schema:
var itemListSchema = microSchemaParser.Find<ItemListSchema>();
// To get schema fields
IField fields = itemListSchema.Fields;
// To get schema field name or value
string fieldName = fields[0].FieldName;
object fieldValue = fields[0].GetFieldValue();
// Each field could be another schema
List<ISchema> childSchemas = fields[0].SchemaItems;
// To check schema is validated
var validateResult = itemListSchema.Validate();
See unit test for more details:
To support more schemas for your need:
- Edit XML configuration at SchemaParser/SupportedSchemas/MicroSchema.xml to add more definition.
If you need your defined schema to be a strong-type class, do following:
- Add a new class to reflect that newly added schema as following, where XXX is the name of your new schema.
public class XXXSchema : MicroSchema
public XXXSchema(string name)
: base(name)
Minh Nguyen (c) 2017