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Day/Month/Year input boxes for Rails projects


There are 2 versions of this gem you can choose.

  • Version 3.1.0 or lower will produce HTML markup and styles compatible with the old version of the GDS design system.

  • Version 4.0.0 or greater will produce HTML markup and styles compatible with the new version of the GDS design system.
    In the future, the functionality of this gem will be probably merged into a gem that will contain other common form components, like radios, text areas, checkboxes, etc.


The GOV.UK standard for date fields on web forms is to use three boxes - one each for day, month and year, rather than the drop_down boxes that comes as standard on rails projects. This is because research has shown that some users find it difficult to use dropdown lists and scrolling through a long list of years (eg for date of birth) can be slower than entering 4 digits using the keyboard.

This gem provides the methods required to easily display and validate dates entered into forms in this way.

Getting Started

Follow the four simple steps below. In the example below, we assume there is an Employee model with attributes, name, dob, joined, the last two attributes being gov_uk_dates. Note that these must be defined on the database as date fields, not datetime.

1. Add the Gem to your Gemfile

Add the following line to your Gemfile:

gem 'gov_uk_date_fields'

Then run bundle install. (Note: version 2+ requires Rails 5+, see gov_uk_date_fields on Rubygems for previous versions.)
Choose version 3.X for old design system, and >= 4.X for new design system.

2. Get your app to load the GovUkDateFields assets (only for versions < 4.X of the gem)

2.1 Stylesheets

Add the following line to the file app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss

@import 'govuk_date_fields';

2.2 Javascript

Add the following line to the file app/assets/javascripts/application.js

//= require govuk_date_fields

Note: the javascript is optional (required only for the 'Today' button), and requires jQuery.

3. Tell your models attributes are gov_uk_dates

To specify date fields on the database that are to be rendered and validated as gov_uk_date_fields, simply add an acts_as_gov_uk_date to your model wth the attribute names of the date fields, e.g.:

class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base
  acts_as_gov_uk_date :dob, :joined

This tells the gem that there are two columns of type date on the database record for this model, dob and joined, which will be rendered as three boxes on the form.

3.1 Options that can be passed to acts_as_gov_uk_date

  • :validate_if Determines whether or not to validate the date as part of the model's validation routines. Pass in the name of a method which returns true or false. If not specified, true is assumed.

  • :error_clash_behaviour - Determines what action to take with multiple error messages if the model's validation has added an error message to the errors hash for this field, and this gem also determines that it is invalid. Possible values are:

    • :append_gov_uk_date_field_error - This gem's 'Invalid date' message will be added to the errors hash, resulting in both error messages being displayed
    • :omit_gov_uk_date_field_error - The gem's 'Invalid date' message is discarded - ony the model's validation error message will be displayed
    • :override_with_gov_uk_date_field_error - The model's error message is discarded and this gem's 'Invalid date' message added to the error hash. Only the invalid date will be displayed.

    If the :error_clash_behaviour option is not specified, :append_gov_uk_date_field_error is assumed.

3.2 Examples

acts_as_gov_uk_date :date_of_birth, :date_joined, 
                    validate_if: :perform_validation?, 
                    error_clash_behaviour: :override_with_gov_uk_date_field_error

def perform_validation?
  return true unless self.draft?

You can also specify a Proc or a Symbol pointing to a method that checks whether the date validations should be performed. This is optional and by default validations are always performed. Example:

acts_as_gov_uk_date :dob, :joined, validate_if: :perform_validation?

4. Permit the date parameters in your controller

Your controller needs to permit three parameters for each gov_uk_date field, so in the example above the employee_params method of the EmployeesController would be:

def employee_params
  params.require(:employee).permit(:name, :dob_dd, :dob_mm, :dob_yyyy, :joined_dd, :joined_mm, :joined_yyyy)

5. Update your form to render the three boxes

Use the gov_uk_date_field method that this gem adds into FormBuilder to create the three date field boxes in the form:

<%= form_for(@employee) do |f| %>
   <%= f.gov_uk_date_field :dob, legend_text: 'Date of birth' %>

   <%= f.gov_uk_date_field :joined, legend_text: 'Date joined' %>
<% end %>

5.1. Options passed to gov_uk_date_field (versions < 4.x of the gem)

The FormBuilder method gov_uk_date_field takes two parameters:

  • the method on the model that the FormBuilder is encapsulating

  • an option hash describing how the date fields should be rendered:

    • an empty hash or nil: means the date fields will be rendered as per version 0.1.0 of this gem, that is just three input fields with no encapsulating fieldset, divs, or legends. This is now deprecated and should no longer be used, but is included for backward compatibility with versions 0.0.1 and 0.0.2.

    • placeholder: see below for an explanation of how to specify placeholders. This is now deprecated and should no longer be used, but is included for backward compatibility with versions 0.0.1 and 0.0.2.

    • legend_text: The text that is to be used as the title of the Date field set.

    • legend_class: The CSS class that is to be used for the legend

    • form_hint_text: The text that is to advise the user how to fill in the form. If not specified, the text "For example, 31 3 1980" will be used.

    • id: The id to be given to the fieldset. If absent, it will be autogenerated. This setting also affects the id of the hint element: if specified, then the hint element will have the fieldset id appended by '-hint', otherwise it will have the autogenerated id appended by '-hint'. The hint-id is referred to by the aria-described-by attribute on the input element.

    • error_messages: Error messages to be attached to the field, if not the string in the errors collection of the object. This is useful if the error messages are held in a translation file for example - the client should fetch the translations and pass in as an array of strings as the value for this option.

    • today_button: If present, a "Today" button which, when presssed, will populate the form with today's date will be generated. The value of this option should either be:

      • true: a Today button with the default value of "button" will be generated
      • {class: "button-class"} a Today button with the specified CSS class(es) will be generated
      • false: a Today button will not be generated
5.1.1 Placeholders:

Supply your own

<%= f.gov_uk_date_field :dob, placeholders: { day: 'dd', month: 'mm', year: 'yyyy' } %>

or enable defaults (DD/MM/YYYY)

<%= f.gov_uk_date_field :dob, placeholders: true %>

5.2. Options passed to gov_uk_date_field (versions >= 4.x of the gem)

  • i18n_attribute: optionally, this will be the locales lookup key in hint and legend. The "real" attribute will still take precedence in all other places or if the i18n_attribute is not found in the locales.

  • legend_options: it can contain any of the following:

All the strings will be picked from i18n locales, including legend, hint if any, and errors.


<%= f.gov_uk_date_field :dob, i18n_attribute: :applicant_dob,
    legend_options: { page_heading: false, visually_hidden: true } %>

6. You're done!

You're ready to go.

If the user enters values into the day/month/year boxes that can't be turned into a date, the attribute will be marked as invalid in the model's errors hash during the validation cycle, and the entered values will be displayed back to the user on the form.



Prepare the test database (run this in the test/dummy/ directory)

bundle exec rake db:setup

Run tests either with the rake task:

bundle exec rake test

Or run test files directly from the command-line:

bundle exec ruby -I. test/dummy/test/models/form_date_test.rb

# You can run with on a specific test by name
bundle exec ruby -I. test/dummy/test/models/employee_test.rb -n test_creating_a_new_employee_with_invalid_dates_is_invalid


What is the HTML that this gem produces?

Given an employee object with the dob attribute set to, 7, 13)

the following call to the gov_uk_date_field method:

f.gov_uk_date_field(:dob, legend_text: 'Date of birth', legend_class: 'govuk-legend')

will produce the following HTML with gem version < 3.0.0:

    <legend class="govuk_legend">Date of birth</legend>
    <div class="form-date">
      <p class="form-hint" id="dob-hint">For example, 31 3 1980</p>
      <div class="form-group form-group-day">
        <label for="dob-day">Day</label>
        <input class="form-control" 
      <div class="form-group form-group-month">
        <label for="dob-month">Month</label>
        <input class="form-control" 
      <div class="form-group form-group-year">
        <label for="dob-year">Year</label>
        <input class="form-control" 

the following HTML with gem version >= 3.0.0, < 3.1.0:

<div class="form-group gov_uk_date">
            <span class="form-label-bold">Date of birth</span>
            <span class="form-hint" id="dob-hint">For example, 31 3 1980</span>
        <div class="form-date">
            <div class="form-group form-group-day">
                <label for="employee_dob_dd">Day</label>
                <input class="form-control" 

            <div class="form-group form-group-month">
                <label for="employee_dob_mm">Month</label>
                <input class="form-control" 

            <div class="form-group form-group-year">
                <label for="employee_dob_dd_yyyy">Year</label>
                <input class="form-control" 

the following HTML with gem version >= 3.1.0 and < 4.0.0:

<div class="form-group gov_uk_date" id="employee_dob">
            <span class="form-label-bold">Date of birth</span>
            <span class="form-hint" id="employee_dob-hint">For example, 31 3 1980</span>
        <div class="form-date">
            <div class="form-group form-group-day">
                <label for="employee_dob_dd">Day</label>
                <input class="form-control" 

            <div class="form-group form-group-month">
                <label for="employee_dob_mm">Month</label>
                <input class="form-control" 

            <div class="form-group form-group-year">
                <label for="employee_dob_yyy">Year</label>
                <input class="form-control" 

and the following HTML with gem version >= 4.0.0: html fixture

See other examples in the file test/form_fields_test.rb

Please note, version 4.0.0 and 4.0.1 will produce inputs with type="number" whereas versions >= 4.1.0 will produce inputs with type="text" inputmode="numeric". These are semantically correct and provides a better experience in most browsers, including mobile.


This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.