Retro groove color scheme for Vim.
Gruvbox is heavily inspired by badwolf, jellybeans and solarized.
Designed as a bright theme with pastel 'retro groove' colors and light/dark mode switching in the way of solarized. The main focus when developing Gruvbox is to keep colors easily distinguishable, contrast enough and still pleasant for the eyes.
Refer Gallery for more syntax-specific screenshots.
Please check wiki for installation details, terminal-specific setup, troubleshooting, configuration options and others.
- Lots of style-customization options (contrast, color invertion, italics usage etc.)
- Extended filetype highlighting: Html, Xml, Vim, Clojure, C, Python, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Ruby, Objective-C, Go, Lua, MoonScript, Java
- Supported plugins: EasyMotion, vim-sneak, Indent Guides, indentLine, Rainbow Parentheses, Airline, GitGutter, Signify, ShowMarks, Signature, Syntastic, CtrlP, Startify
See gruvbox-generalized repo for contributions, ports and extras.
- Filetype syntax highlighting (R, TeX, Scala, Haskell and I'm still dissatisfied with CSS)
- Plugin support (MiniBufExplorer, Tagbar)
- Lightline theme
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