DevOps Engineer, Cloud Native Engineer, command line inhabitant. I work mainly with Linux, Azure, Kubernetes, Postgres and Python.
I'm in love with my work because there is always more to learn.
My pride and joy. Enterprise grade security in my pantry with Talos Linux and FluxCD.
Dockerized Python program that listens for MQTT topics and places them in a PostgreSQL database
A bespoke CLI written in Python to help me create notes in my Zettelkasten from vim and the command line.
An API to track the number of notes in my Zettelkasten in a Postgres database so I can query them with Grafana.
(I love databases).
I work as a Cloud Engineer in an Azure environment and I've decided to go all-in on Azure and focus on that ecosystem. My employer kindly supplied me with a monthly credit which I can use for learning, so I'm building up an Azure Lab which I'm documenting on my blog and YouTube channel.
Actively learning Python on an advanced level.
After a 1 year flirt with Go and learning the fundamentals, I have returned to Python. It's the language I have most experience with, and which feels most natural to me, currently.
I enjoy that I can use it for practically everything.
- Talos Homelab Upgrade Guide October
- Running iCloud Web as a Desktop Application on Arch Linux with Hyprland
- Adding Articles to Wallabag From Qutebrowser
- I set up Pi-hole on my Synology NAS
- Talos Linux Upgrade Guide July
“Once you decide on your occupation, you must immerse yourself in your work. You have to fall in love with your work. Never complain about your job. You must dedicate your life to mastering your skill. That’s the secret of success and is the key to being regarded honorably.”