Cookiecutter template for a Python package, built with popular develop tools and conform to best practice.
- Documentation:
This tool will create Python project with the following features:
- Poetry: Manage dependency, build and release
- Makefile template for typical operations
- Mkdocs: Writing your docs in markdown style
- Testing with Pytest (unittest is still supported out of the box)
- Tox: Test your code against environment matrix, lint and artifact check
- Format with Black and Isort
- Lint code with Flake8
- Check static type with Mypy (optional)
- Pre-commit hooks: Formatting/linting anytime when commit your code
- Mkdocstrings: Auto API doc generation
- Command line interface using Click (optional)
- bump2version: Pre-configured version bumping with a single command
- Continuous Integration/Deployment by GitHub actions, includes:
- publish dev build/official release to TestPyPI/PyPI automatically when CI success
- publish documents automatically when CI success
- extract changelog from CHANGELOG and integrate with release notes automatically
- Host your documentation from GitHub Pages with zero-config
Install the latest Cookiecutter if you haven't installed it yet (see instruction here). I suggest using pipx to make it a global tool in an isolated Python environment
pipx install cookiecutter
Generate a Python package project:
And code away!
The name of your new Python package project. This is used in
documentation, so spaces and any characters are fine here.
The name of your Python package for PyPI, also as the repository name of GitHub.
Typically, it is the slugified version of project_name.
The namespace of your Python package. This should be Python import-friendly.
A 1-sentence description of what your Python package does.
Your full name.
Your email address.
Your GitHub username.
The starting version number of the package.
If use mypy for static type check in pre-commit hooks and tox.
If you choose yes, then cookiecutter will install pre-commit hooks for you.
one of google, numpy, pep257
. It's required by flake8-docstrings.
Whether to create a console script using Python Click. Console script
entry point will match the project_slug. Options: ['click', "No
command-line interface"]
Except the settings above, you'll also need configure gitub repsitory secrets at page repo > settings > secrtes, and add the following secrets:
- TEST_PYPI_API_TOKEN (required for publishing dev release to testpypi)
- PYPI_API_TOKEN (required for publish )
This repo is forked from waynerv/cookiecutter-pypackage, whose origin traces all the way to audreyfeldroy/cookiecutter-pypackage