Releases: mistyk/inavradar-ESP32
INAV-Radar 1.4
INAV-Radar 1.3
*** 1.30 (2019/05/18)
- Radar logo at boot
- Better timings, greatly reduced display latency
- Many cosmetic tweaks and fixes
- Newest inav REQUIRED (built 2019/05/18 or newer)
ESP32 Firmware Installer:
INAV-Radar 1.2 buggy
Please install
INAV-Radar 1.2 flightcontroller firmware!
*** 1.20 (2019/05/14)
- Better timing for MSP and air packets
- 5 nodes capable, but locked at 4 nodes for now
- Faster rate for MSP messages to improve tracking accuracy
- in iNav 2.2, faster display to reduce tracking stuttering
- Known issue : sometime the debug page with the timings
- reboots the module
ESP32 Firmware Installer:
INAV-Radar 1.00
*** 1.00 (2019/04/25)
- Initial release
- Require iNav 2.2-dev, including the latest version
for the Hud branch (build date 2019/04/27 or newer) - Cycle time 500ms, slotspacing 125ms, LoRA SF9 bw250,
maximum 4 nodes (you + 3 others)
ESP32 Firmware Installer:
INAV-Radar 0.1-alpha92
There is also an installer for the ESP32 firmware,
it installs the last release.
Known Issues:
-No CLI available on ESP32
New in this version:
MSP speed back to 115200
Air communication has been completely reworked
Tested with 4 modules
You have to upload Vision font to iNav (
iNav Config:
Camera tilt
//set osd_camera_uptilt = -2
//camera fov horizontal
set osd_camera_fov_h = 135
//camera fov vertical
set osd_camera_fov_v = 85
//Margin OSD
set osd_hud_margin_h = 1
set osd_hud_margin_v = 3
set osd_hud_homing = OFF
//display Home Point
set osd_hud_homepoint = ON
//Number of uav max
set osd_hud_radar_disp = 4
//min/max distance showing point
set osd_hud_radar_range_min= 1
set osd_hud_radar_range_max= 4000
set osd_hud_radar_nearest =OFF
set osd_hud_radar_cycle =500
INAV-Radar 0.1-alpha9
Known Issues:
-No CLI available on ESP32
-heading/speed not tested properly
New in this version:
MSP speed back to 115200
Air communication has been completely reworked
Tested with 4 modules
MSP Speed: 115200
You have to upload Vision font to iNav (
iNav Config:
Camera tilt
//set osd_camera_uptilt = -2
//camera fov horizontal
set osd_camera_fov_h = 135
//camera fov vertical
set osd_camera_fov_v = 85
//Margin OSD
set osd_hud_margin_h = 1
set osd_hud_margin_v = 3
set osd_hud_homing = OFF
//display Home Point
set osd_hud_homepoint = ON
//Number of uav max
set osd_hud_radar_disp = 4
//min/max distance showing point
set osd_hud_radar_range_min= 1
set osd_hud_radar_range_max= 4000
set osd_hud_radar_nearest =OFF
set osd_hud_radar_cycle =500
INAV-Radar 0.1-alpha82
please see readme for installation and configuration
INAV-Radar 0.1-alpha7 roling release
INAV-Radar 0.1-alpha6
Only the HUD works, classic map is deavtivated
!!! deactivate radar and activate crosshair !!!
set osd_homing = ON
set osd_camera_uptilt = 13
set osd_hud_disp_home = ON
set osd_hud_disp_squadpois = 5
//Camera settings (tilt / fov)
set osd_camera_uptilt = 13
set osd_camera_fov_h = 135
set osd_camera_fov_v = 85
INAV OSD MENU (stick control):
OSD->HUD: Setting for the HUD
INAV-Radar 0.1-alpha5
180° fix
LoRa spreadingfactor 8