- summary
- requirements
- installation
- configuration
- troubleshooting
Islandora Plupload integrates the Plupload library with Islandora file fields to allow for the upload of files greater than limits imposed by PHP.
Install Plupload (http://www.drupal.org/project/plupload) and the associated library according to directions provided by the Plupload module. Enable Islandora Plupload and all managed_file form fields within forms with an ID containing "islandora" will be replaced by the Plupload widget.
Visit /admin/islandora/plupload to set the maximum file size for Islandora Plupload. The chunk size may also be set, this should be smaller than PHP's post_max_size.
Handling of large files for derivative generation may require boosting PHP's memory_limit and max_execution_time.