SecureBox is Android Keystore-powered library that provides a reliable and secure space in Android projects.
- Android Keystore container powered
- Uses RealmDb for Database
- Easy to secure password
- Generic secure save function for custom objects
- Basic random pasword genererator come build-in
It is aimed to provide a solution for people who want to quickly secure their sensitive information.
SecureBox is an Android library written in Kotlin that provides a convenient and secure way to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data within your Android applications. It leverages modern cryptographic techniques to ensure data privacy and integrity.
Dont forget to ad Jitpack to root build.gradle
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Add to project build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'io.realm.kotlin:library-base:1.13.0'
implementation ''
implementation 'com.github.mithrundeal:SecureBox:Tag'
Get global instance of SecureBox like below;
val secureBox = SecureBox.getInstance()
You can check your device is hardware-backed TEE
val tee = secureBox.isHardwareBackedTEE()
You can save and get your password like below;
secureBox.savePassword("data1", "data1")
var pass = secureBox.getPassword("data1")
You can save and get custom data with SecureBox. Its and generic function so you can save anything you want.
class DEVCLASS(var data: String, var data0: String) {}
val dummyData = DEVCLASS("asdasd", "123123")
secureBox.saveData("custom-data", dummyData)
val result = secureBox.getData("custom-data",
There is an util, which is you can generate random password with given parameters, like below;
val passwordGenerator = PasswordGeneratorBuilder().apply {
val psw = passwordGenerator.generatePassword()
First version released as an alpha. SecureBox is an open-source project. Contribution is very welcomed!
minSdk version is 31.
If you want to read further about the technologies used in SecureBox, you can review the links.
Keystore | [][PlDb] RealmDb | [][PlGh] Orm benchmark | [][PlGd] Gson | [][PlGd]
You have your own ris while using this library. Security is a very broad scope and SecureBox does not guarantee the security of your data.