Advanced file compresser which reduces and encrypts large files to smaller chunks by saving them as binary for later use. Many applications supports file uploads which consumes large memory sizes on their systems. This library has been designed to reduce both zip, rar, images, pdf, words sizes or any kinds of files or documents into smaller size.
Use composer to install
composer require mitmelon/compress
require_once __DIR__."/vendor/autoload.php";
// Initialize library class
$compress = new Compress\Compress();
* @param String $filePath
* File location to be compressed
* @param String $storePath
* Path to output compressed binary file to
* @param Mixed $options ["removeMeta" => false, "encrypt" => false, "key" => "password", "scanFile" => ["token" => $token, "service" => $service, "csp" => $csp, "region" => $region]]
* Options to remove meta, encrypt file and scan content for reputations
$compress::compressFile($filePath, $storePath, $options = []);
//Compress Image file
$compress::compressFile(__DIR__.'/image.png', __DIR__.'/image.txt');
// Compress PDF
$compress::compressFile(__DIR__.'/file.pdf', __DIR__.'/file.txt');
Scan content to get informations such as file's disposition, ranging from malicious (malware, ransomware, trojan horses, spyware, adware) to known good content (operating system files, known third-party software packages) using Pangea's File Intel Service.
To use the Pangea's File Intel Service create an account and plug your credentials into the options below. Account creation is free.
$options = array("scanFile" => array("token" => "{File_Intel_API_Token}", "service" => 'file-intel', "csp" => 'aws', "region" => 'us'));
$compress::compressFile(__DIR__.'/file.pdf', __DIR__.'/file.txt', $options);
* UnCompress Image file [Get original file back from stored binary]
* @param String $storePath
* Path containing binary file which was compressed
* @param String $fileOutputPath
* Path to output original file to
* @param String $encrypt_key
* If your file was encrypted then provide the key for decryption as third argument
$compress::uncompressFile($storePath, $fileOutputPath, $encrypt_key = null);
//Uncompress Image
$compress::uncompressFile(__DIR__.'/image.txt', __DIR__.'/image.png');
// Uncompress PDF
$compress::uncompressFile( __DIR__.'/file.txt', __DIR__.'/file.pdf')
* Encryption block chunk size
* @param Int $block
public int $block = 1024;
* Compression and Uncompression chunk size
* @param Int $compress_chunk_size
public int $compress_chunk_size = 100 * 1024 * 1024; // 100 MB
* Encryption cipher
* @default aes-256-cbc
public string $cipher = 'aes-256-cbc';
All notable changes to this project will be documented here.
- 🌟 Added Pangea's File Intel Service to get file reputations and only allow secure content for compressing
- 🌟 Updated compressor, uncompressor and file handlers to handle large file without consuming huge memory
- 🌟 Fixed Bugs and updated the documentation page
- 🌟 Added AES 256 CBC Mode encryption
- Store files on centralize and decentralize cloud providers
If you love my project and wish to assist me to keep working on this project. Please follow this link to donate.
Released under the MIT license.