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Sarina Canelake edited this page Jul 10, 2013 · 5 revisions

@sarina and @peter-fogg added support for code quality checking in diff-cover.

The branch:

The Pull Request

Usage of diff-quality is similar to that of diff-cover (see the README for more details). The report format is modified to include line numbers and error messages from the checker. Currently only pylint and pep8 are supported; however, it should be quite easy to add support for additional style checkers (jslint? coffeelint?).

Here is how you use the pep8 and pylint quality violations reporters for a console output:

pep8 quality violations in console

pylint quality violations in console

Adding --html-report=path/to/report.html to the end of the command will generate an HTML report at the specified location. The html reports look something like this:

pep8 html report

pylint html report

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