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A Flutter library providing a controllable paginated view builder compatible with nestjs-paginate


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A library providing a base for building controllable paginated views powered by nestjs-paginate on the backend.


  • PaginationController provides a comprehensive and reactive interface for building paginated queries. It can be configured with PaginateConfig, either hardcoded or received from the server directly, to empower client-side validation. PaginateController supports all features of nestjs-paginate except select, as it breaks the majority of DTOs in Dart, but it may change in future updates.
  • PaginatedView utilises a pagination controller and user-defined widget builders to create a highly customisable presentation of data received from the server.
  • Paginated<TDto> - a wrapper for the paginated DTO sent by the nestjs-paginate which includes PaginatedMetadata and a list of TDto.

Getting started

To start using the package, install it using pub:

flutter pub add flutter_nestjs_paginate

This will install the latest compatible version of the package and you're ready to go.

Minimal usage example

Create a PaginateConfig by hard-coding it or by fetching it from your server:

final configJson = await get<Map>('/paginate_config');
final config = PaginateConfig.fromJson(configJson);

// or

// all parameters are optional
const config = PaginateConfig(
   defaultSortBy: {'name': SortOrder.asc},
   defaultLimit: 10,
   filterableColumns: {
     'name': {Eq, Ilike},
     'population': {Gt, Lt, Eq, Btw},
   sortableColumns: {'name', 'population'},

To control the pagination, a PaginationController is used. Create it and supply the created config:

// in your state
final _controller = PaginationController(paginateConfig: config);

While the config parameter is optional, passing it enables filtering and sorting validation. If you want to omit config and disable validation, pass validateColumns: false to the controller constructor. There are also

Then create a PaginatedView:

// in build()
return PaginatedView(
   // provide the controller. its updates will make the 
   controller: _controller,
   // fetcher is used to make a paginated request to your server  
   // it must return a Paginated<YourDto> - more 
   // information below and in the source docs
   fetcher: (context, QueryParams params) { ... },
   // error builder will be called to visualise 
   // the error, if it occurs
   errorBuilder: (context, Object error) => YourErrorWidget(error),
   // loading indicator will be built while the data is fetched  
   loadingIndicator: (context) => YourProgressIndicator(),
   // view builder visualizes a list of TModels 
   // received from the fetcher
   viewBuilder: (context, Paginated<YourDto> data) {
     return YourDataView(;
   // you can also provide listeners for the 
   // fetch start end finish events. they are called
   // in post-frame callbacks, so you can call setState 
   // inside
   onFetch: () { ... },
   onLoaded: (Paginated<YourDto> result) { ... },

Now, the pagination can be controlled with the controller:

// in a button callback

// fetch next page;

// add a filter using the operator Btw 
   const Btw('2023-12-20', '2023-12-26'),

// perform multiple operations simultaneously
   notifyAfter: true,
   (controller) => controller = 1
     ..addFilter('amount', const Gt(1000))
     ..addSort('amount', SortOrder.desc),




An enum defining the order of sorting: either ascending or descending:

enum SortOrder {


A family of classes representing the filters supported by nestjs-paginate:

  • $eq - Eq
  • $not - Not
  • $null - Null
  • $in - In
  • $gt, $gte - Gt - for $gte, provide orEquals: true to the constructor
  • $lt, $lte - Lt - for $lte, provide orEquals: true to the constructor
  • $btw - Btw
  • $ilike - Ilike
  • $sw - Sw
  • $contains - Contains


This class provides the reactive interface to control the pagination.

It features fields with the names of query parameters accepted by nestjs-paginate and can be configured with client-side validation with PaginateConfig objects.


Pagination controllers support column validation, which is enabled by default - validateColumns

It can also be enforced to prevent unexpected behaviour in production (disabled by default) - strictValidation - it would throw StateErrors with meaningful messages to help you find the problem.

When validation is enabled, it will use the values from the provided PaginateConfig (and only if it is provided).


A class that duplicates the structure of PaginateConfig from nestjs-paginate, omitting database- and backend-specific values, can be passed to a PaginationController constructor. It can then be used by the developer and the controller to enable validation.

The fields it contains:

  • Set<String> sortableColumns - the names of columns to be accepted by the controller in addSort. Default: {} - no columns allowed for sorting.
  • Map<String, Set<Type>> filterableColumns - a map of column names accepted by the backend for filtering to sets of their allowed FilterOperator types. Default: {} - no columns allowed for filtering.
  • int maxLimit - the maximum limit configured on the server. Default: 100.
  • int defaultLimit - the limit value to be set by default. Default: 20.
  • Map<String, SortOrder> defaultSortBy - the default sort queries.

PaginateConfig has a fromJson factory which supports deserializing nestjs-paginate config syntax directly.

Make sure not to send backend-specific values that you do not need in your Flutter application to avoid potential disclosure of system details.

Note that no columns are allowed for sorting and filtering by default, so you should consider providing the paginateConfig or setting validateColumns to false in your controller.


To control the pagination, use the following:

  • get/set int page - the page of the paginated data to be requested. Default: 1.
  • get/set int limit - the maximum amount of entries per page. Default: 20. If set to a value larger than PaginateConfig.maxLimit, it will be clamped to the maxLimit.
  • get/set Object? search - the search query to be sent. Default: null. Note that the search object must be string-serializable in a meaningful way with toString for it to be correctly received by your server.

If any of these fields are changed, the controller will notify its listeners (unless changed inside the silently function).


To control the filters, use the following members of the controller:

  • get Map<String, Set<FilterOperator>> filters - an unmodifiable view of the filters currently applied. nestjs-paginate supports multiple filters per single column. The map has the following structure:
   'column': { FilterOperator, FilterOperator, ... },
  • addFilter(String field, FilterOperator operator) - adds a filter by the given field with the given FilterOperator to the query. If the filter set is changed, notifies listeners.
  • removeFilter(String field, [FilterOperator? operator]) - if the operator is not given, remove all filters for the given field. Otherwise, remove a filter by that operator from the field.
  • clearFilters() - removes all filters from the query. If the filter set is not empty, notifies listeners.


To control sorting, use the following members:

  • get Map<String, SortOrder> sorts - an unmodifiable view of the sorts currently applied. The map has the following structure:
   'column': SortOrder,
  • addSort(String field, SortOrder order) - updates the sort query to include the sort in the given order by the given field. If the sort set is changed, notifies listeners.
  • removeSort(String field) - removes a sort query by the given field. If such a query is present, notifies listeners.
  • clearFilters() - removes all sorts from the query. If the sort set is not empty, notifies listeners.

Multiple operations

By default, changing any fields of the controller will fire the notification and make the PaginatedView call its fetcher. However, if you need to change multiple parameters simultaneously and don't need to notify listeners, you can use silently(Function(PaginationController) fn, {bool notifyAfter = false}).

Refer to the docs in the source code for more information.


This is a generic wrapper for the responses received from paginated endpoints.

Matching the PaginateConfig from nestjs-paginate, it contains data - a list of your DTOs, and meta - PaginatedMetadata.

It can be deserialize using Paginated.fromJson<TDto>(json, decoder), where decoder is a function taking a Map<String, dynamic> and returning your DTO:

final json = await client.get<Map<String, dynamic>>('/paginated_collection');

final paginatedRes = Paginated.fromJson(json, YourDto.fromJson);


If you would like to contribute to this package, you can:

All contributions are most welcome.


A Flutter library providing a controllable paginated view builder compatible with nestjs-paginate







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