This is what I use for my nwm.
- My default layout is switched based on the number of windows on screen: 1 window = fullscreen 2 windows = DWM's tiling 3 windows = DWM's tiling 4 windows = Fair grid 5 = tile, 6 = grid ... and so on
- Meta + Left / Meta + Right and Meta + PgDown / Meta + PgUp switch between workspaces (up / down)
Todo / experiments todo:
- Full screen detection / flash support
- Write a more tmux-style grid layout (e.g. adaptive slicing)
- Add support for "execute or find by window class" keyboard shortcuts (e.g. for chrome and pcmanfm)
- Add support for permanent window decoration, like Conky or another panel
- Add support for desktop widgets
- Start window always on a particular screen
- This would probably benefit from a HTTP interface to configure and examine nwm
- Write a light compositing desktop background updater
- Would make it possible to do cool composited things like taking a time and overlaying another mask like in
- Media key bindings (JS, to nplay):
- Win + Z X C V B
As a long time dwm user, I'm used to the following keyboard shortcuts:
# Launching programs
Meta + Shift + Enter -- Start xterm
# Layouts
Meta + space -- Alternates between layouts
# Focus
Meta + j -- Focus next window
Meta + k -- Focus previous window
# Main window
Meta + h -- Decrease master area size
Meta + F10
Meta + l -- Increase master area size
Meta + F11
Meta + Tab -- Sets currently focused window as main window
# Closing window
Meta + Shift + c -- Close focused window
# Workspaces
Meta + [1..n] -- Switch to workspace n
Meta + Shift + [1..n] -- Move window to workspace n
# Multi-monitor keys
Meta + Shift + , -- Send focused window to previous screen
Meta + Shift + . -- Send focused window to next screen