- the source code of this component is licensed under the MIT license.
- see openssl-library.org for the licensing of OpenSSL.
"dependencies": {
"OpenSSL": {
"github": "miyako/OpenSSL",
"version": "*"
#DECLARE($params : Object)
If ($params=Null)
async calls must be performed in a worker or form
CALL WORKER(1; Current method name; {})
var $OpenSSL : cs.OpenSSL.OpenSSL
$key:=Folder(fk desktop folder).file("key.pem")
$crt:=Folder(fk desktop folder).file("crt.pem")
"req"; "-x509"; \
"-newkey"; "rsa:4096"; \
"-keyout"; $key; \
"-out"; $crt; \
"-sha256"; \
"-days"; 3650; \
"-nodes"; \
"-subj"; "\"/C=XX/ST=StateName/L=CityName/O=CompanyName/OU=CompanySectionName/CN=CommonNameOrHostname\""])
End if
- macOS
./Configure -no-shared -no-pinshared
- Windows (vcpkg)
vcpkg install openssl[tools] --triplet x64-windows-static