- the source code of this component is licensed under the MIT license.
- see aleksey.com for the licensing of xmlsec.
"dependencies": {
"xmlsec": {
"github": "miyako/xmlsec",
"version": "*"
#DECLARE($params : Object)
If ($params=Null)
async calls must be performed in a worker or form
CALL WORKER(1; Current method name; {})
var $xmlsec : cs.xmlsec.xmlsec
$xml:=OB Class($xml).new($xml.platformPath; fk platform path)
$pem:=OB Class($pem).new($pem.platformPath; fk platform path)
$out:=Folder(fk desktop folder).file("signed-wifi.xml")
$xmlsec.perform(["--sign"; "--output"; $out; "--privkey-pem"; $pem; "--pwd"; "1234"; "--lax-key-search"; $xml])
End if
export LDFLAGS="-Llib/"
export LIBS="-llzma -liconv -lgcrypt -lcharset"
./configure --enable-static-linking --without-gnutls --without-gcrypt